President Trump


Well-Known Member
your losing the libertarians here with your constant rants about republicans. you're like a one trick pony.
Libertarians are not equal to liberals.

I am a democrat. A liberal democrat.

Libertarians are closer to republicans on most issues, and often vote republican. They are in agreement with much of what republicans believe, in regard to the small government side of things, but differ on the personal liberties front on some things.

Basically a libertarian is a supercharged republican, but much smarter to simplify it a ton. They're kind of what republicans would be if they were intelligent.

I can get behind a lot of what libertarians believe, in a certain sense, although much of it is really impractical in this country in these times. Republicans/conservatives, not so much.


Well-Known Member
K, settle down.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

New guys....

He'll eventually realize the long posts don't make a difference on the Current Events *farm.

The problem with republicans is honestly their refusal to believe anything that doesn't fit in with their preconceived notions, value system, and fox news talking points. Facts don't exist in their world. Everything can be written off as partisan bull:censored2: espoused by the liberal media and chalked up to 'fake news' if they're in disagreement. But in reality where the rest of the country lives, that's now how it works.

Facts are called facts because they're inherently true. If they weren't, then they would be called opinions, and we all know what the old saying about opinions is.

The other issue with republicans is they often claim to be for small government and say they'd like to get government out of our lives. The problem with that is that it's extremely hypocritical and entirely disingenuous - they literally want to be involved in the most personal decisions a person could make, like whether to reproduce and start a family, or if they're exposed to prayer/religion in schools etc. Then there's the spending issue they have - not very small government if you ask most people who don't have an (R) after their name at the polls.

What they really want to do is cut all the entitlement and social welfare programs that like half their base relies on to live, deregulate the safeguards put in place to protect their base from predatory businesses and politicians, and spend their newly gained windfall on the already out of control military industrial complex and new weapons systems we don't need for enemies we don't have.

If we never built another weapon or fighter jet for the next 20 years, the rest of the world still wouldn't have caught up. Our nuclear deterrent would keep us safe in perpetuity from foreign invasion, and we would be as safe as we currently are at the very second I type this.

The republicans live in a fear based world. Their every decision and talking point plays to this, and makes it abundantly clear. White, middle to upper-class, and Christian is good, everything else is bad and a detriment on society and threat to the 'American way of life'.

They don't believe that others who aren't like them are entitled to a halfway decent standard of living. If god forbid, someone needs a hand up, they're a leach on the system and they act like those people are stealing money from their pockets. They also somehow believe if those people didn't get any of these programs that their tax liabilities would be vastly lower - but here's the hard truth cons, they wouldn't. The government, whether helmed by a dem or con, would find a way to spend that money regardless. Personally I'd rather see it used on the greater good than another $1b fighter or cruise missile launch system. But that's just me, I actually give a :censored2: about people.

They also don't seem to mind these programs when it's them who are using them:View attachment 237344
(Usually it's because they don't understand that they are using them as we can see...)

Basically they appeal to the worst in people, and seek out the lowest common denominator, and that I can't abide. That's why I have no respect for the republican party as it currently stands.

It's unclear why anyone here would. The republicans are against trade unions as an institution for :censored2:'s sake. They would love nothing more than to disband the teamsters and have you making $12 an hour, in the interest of big business.

And lastly, when automation of vehicles is fully realized, and it will be in the not too distant future. Republicans will be the last people to have our backs, and the backs of the other 5 million+ people who drive for their living. They will be right on the side of their largest corporate donors and sell out the #1 occupation of males 25-65 years old in this country - truck driver. Those 7.5 million jobs will disappear, including ours, and YOU might be needing those entitlement programs to feed your family. Hope they're still there for you!

Go outside and get some air. What anyone thinks on here doesn't actually matter. This is just a place for us to bark at each other in short bursts.
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Well-Known Member
New guys....

He'll eventually realize the long posts don't make a difference on the Current Events * farm.

Go outside and get some air. What anyone thinks on here doesn't actually matter. This is just a place for us to bark at each other in short bursts.
You new to the whole message board thing?

Long posts usually start/drive the conversation, enabling others to bark at each other in short bursts about the content contained in the tldr post.

The more you know...
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Well-Known Member
Although I will grant you this, the majority of message boards I frequent are made up of much more intelligent people with far greater attention spans.

This is a ups board after all. Not exactly made up of rhodes scholars. Their message board is far better. That trucking company has some real smart people driving their semis. Geniuses, in fact.


Well-Known Member
That's why he called you TOS.
He's calling you a pusillanimous
Been called far worse, by far better men than he.

That's like half of what message boards are for, to call people you disagree with names you may or may not have invented on the spot.

I'll put it in terms this place might understand:
To me, this place is the wal-mart of message boards. I'm basically coming here to laugh at the people and :censored2:ty product. I don't necessarily like the content of the store, but I'll pick up an item or two so I'm not just loitering. If I want intelligent conversation or to learn from others as smart or smarter, I'll frequent my usual haunts. We'll call those sites the Nordstrom's and Barney's of message boards. That's where I spend my hard earned money on quality items.


Well-Known Member
For all of you Trump* and for the LibTurds who are stooping to the level of the enemy, here's a few places that are non-partisan fact checking websites where you can get the truth. Just the facts. No political slant either way. I seriously encourage you to use them. It's a way to know you're getting the full, unmanipulated truth, instead of doctored statistics, or flat out bald-faced lies.
Fact-checking U.S. politics | PolitiFact
Data on Campaign Finance, Super PACs, Industries, and Lobbying
Hall of Justice

There's others that I chose to leave off, like mediamatters, because they have a political lean.

If you're not sure, which should be anytime you don't know firsthand, check it out. Don't take Facebook or twitter as gospel. Fox news and msnbc aren't any better either, although one is slightly more reputable than the other. We're all better off when we know the cold, hard truth. The real FACTS, not the alternative ones.
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Well-Known Member
Here's a chart showing where news sources fall on the scale of truth put together by a non-partisan source:

It tells you where you should be getting your news if you want the straight dope, without the partisan opinion inserted into so much of what they call the 'news' these days - don't confuse news with entertainment. Fox news isn't news, it's entertainment programming masquerading as news, and that's being nice - it borders on propaganda.


Well-Known Member
New guys....

He'll eventually realize the long posts don't make a difference on the Current Events tard farm.

Go outside and get some air. What anyone thinks on here doesn't actually matter. This is just a place for us to bark at each other in short bursts.
Now you just leave him alone and let him rant! Does more for our side than a thousand memes.


Well-Known Member
Although I will grant you this, the majority of message boards I frequent are made up of much more intelligent people with far greater attention spans.

This is a ups board after all. Not exactly made up of rhodes scholars. Their message board is far better. That trucking company has some real smart people driving their semis. Geniuses, in fact.
You're telling us how brilliant you are but forgot to name the forum that is so much better than ours. Classic!


Well-Known Member
Here's a chart showing where news sources fall on the scale of truth put together by a non-partisan source:View attachment 237400
It tells you where you should be getting your news if you want the straight dope, without the partisan opinion inserted into so much of what they call the 'news' these days - don't confuse news with entertainment. Fox news isn't news, it's entertainment programming masquerading as news, and that's being nice - it borders on propaganda.
Well shucks, weez nevuh seen that thar chart before. I'm suhprized Old Man Jingles nevuh postulated it!


Inordinately Right
Here's a chart showing where news sources fall on the scale of truth put together by a non-partisan source:View attachment 237400
It tells you where you should be getting your news if you want the straight dope, without the partisan opinion inserted into so much of what they call the 'news' these days - don't confuse news with entertainment. Fox news isn't news, it's entertainment programming masquerading as news, and that's being nice - it borders on propaganda.
Oh a chart from the internet.
Must be true!


Well-Known Member
It's non-partisan. Check for yourself if you don't believe me.

This country has gone mad. The 2 most reputable newspaper's in this country are considered fake news. Infowars has a national platform, and guys like Mike Cernovich have white house press credentials. Idiocracy is coming true.