Phony patriotism. Trump is a racist, a draft dodger, and has done everything possible to help himself, the 1%, and his pals, the Russians. And you and your ilk see none of it.
I think we're on the same page when it comes to Trump.
Phony patriotism. Trump is a racist, a draft dodger, and has done everything possible to help himself, the 1%, and his pals, the Russians. And you and your ilk see none of it.
I think we're on the same page when it comes to Trump.
And for your brother @LarryBird, Sirius Jam Channel plays Phish hours almost every night.
I’ve been listening to their concerts on the Mexico Beach from last weekend.
They sound wild ... reminded me of their early style and playing.
What as he done to help the russiansPhony patriotism. Trump is a racist, a draft dodger, and has done everything possible to help himself, the 1%, and his pals, the Russians. And you and your ilk see none of it. This con artist is the antithesis of patriotism, yet you see none of the contradictions. The flag hug has been a consistent theme of his rallies/speeches. The reality is that he is stomping all over the flag and what it means....democracy.
Failed to impose the sanctions the congress placed on them for election interference.What as he done to help the russians
Phony patriotism. Trump is a racist, a draft dodger, and has done everything possible to help himself, the 1%, and his pals, the Russians. And you and your ilk see none of it. This con artist is the antithesis of patriotism, yet you see none of the contradictions. The flag hug has been a consistent theme of his rallies/speeches. The reality is that he is stomping all over the flag and what it means....democracy.
I think we're on the same page when it comes to Trump.
who did that happen under and how long did they knowFailed to impose the sanctions the congress placed on them for election interference.
it is alright because now woman can be drafted to so liberals get their wish on equal rights in the militarylook rufus dem der draft dodgers dink dey be experts on patriotism. Show em a military uniform and watch dem sheet dey pants.
Failed to impose the sanctions the congress placed on them for election interference.
i kind of remember a certain president saying russia was not a threatFailed to impose the sanctions the congress placed on them for election interference.
i kind of remember a certain president saying russia was not a threat
Clinton did not even go to Wisconsin, if you dont show up you dont even give yourself a chance to winseems he kind of left them alone and kissed their cold caucausin asses while he was at it. hell he even let them interfere in our elections.
muellers investigation is looking at the wrong administration
Clinton did not even go to Wisconsin, if you dont show up you dont even give yourself a chance to win
look rufus dem der draft dodgers dink dey be experts on patriotism. Show em a military uniform and watch dem sheet dey pants.
I'm not sure what your draft dodger accusation thing is all about. But it's fresh, coming from a guy whose god did exactly that.
You’ve got a weak stomach!When Trump hugs the flag like this, I want to throw up. It's sickening to watch this wannabee dictator play to his ignorant audience(s). I guess he was hugging it when he threw Otto Warmbier under the bus last week.
My god stands up for god and country while you draft dodgers mock him for it. maybe you guys should try actually joining the country you live in?
My god stands up for god and country while you draft dodgers mock him for it.