President Trump

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Trump isn’t a politician, remember?

I think to be a good politician you probably have to have a sense of self awareness, a good poker face and an on/off switch. Don't think Trump has any of those. He's just a terrible human being who happens to have some things in common with politicians.

But Trump actually said "I HEAR YOU," and "IT'S OK TO BE YOU, WHITE MEN" to folks who are not in the deep blue coastal states that feel they've been left behind. That's what won him the election. And he's still saying it to those folks while the Democratic hard left are calling them racist/worthless/etc. Which will win him another election if the hard left doesn't wise up.


Staff member
I think to be a good politician you probably have to have a sense of self awareness, a good poker face and an on/off switch. Don't think Trump has any of those. He's just a terrible human being who happens to have some things in common with politicians.

But Trump actually said "I HEAR YOU," and "IT'S OK TO BE YOU, WHITE MEN" to folks who are not in the deep blue coastal states that feel they've been left behind. That's what won him the election. And he's still saying it to those folks while the Democratic hard left are calling them racist/worthless/etc. Which will win him another election if the hard left doesn't wise up.
Lol. White men felt oppressed? Unloved? Discriminated against? What a bunch of snowflakes.


Staff member
But these idiots are screaming about how the investigation was a hoax.

I think to be a good politician you probably have to have a sense of self awareness, a good poker face and an on/off switch. Don't think Trump has any of those. He's just a terrible human being who happens to have some things in common with politicians.

But Trump actually said "I HEAR YOU," and "IT'S OK TO BE YOU, WHITE MEN" to folks who are not in the deep blue coastal states that feel they've been left behind. That's what won him the election. And he's still saying it to those folks while the Democratic hard left are calling them racist/worthless/etc. Which will win him another election if the hard left doesn't wise up.

For your edification, not all white males are White Supremacists, much in the same way that not all black males are n******.

And for yours, not all white men voted for Trump.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Lol. White men felt oppressed? Unloved? Discriminated against? What a bunch of snowflakes.

They're falsely accused of oppressing women/minorities/etc. And in turn, pushed toward the margins in hiring, education, etc in the name of diversity and social justice rather than on a meritocratic basis.

And for yours, not all white men voted for Trump.

Indeed. I voted for Hillary. I just want blue state Democrats to understand the red and purple state situation so that they don't get Trump re-elected.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I think to be a good politician you probably have to have a sense of self awareness, a good poker face and an on/off switch. Don't think Trump has any of those. He's just a terrible human being who happens to have some things in common with politicians.

But Trump actually said "I HEAR YOU," and "IT'S OK TO BE YOU, WHITE MEN" to folks who are not in the deep blue coastal states that feel they've been left behind. That's what won him the election. And he's still saying it to those folks while the Democratic hard left are calling them racist/worthless/etc. Which will win him another election if the hard left doesn't wise up.
Wrong. He won because nobody showed up. He got fewer votes than Romney. The narrative that the white working class elected him is poppycock. Low turnout favors republicans, that’s it. The left doesn’t need to win back racist white folk, they just need turnout as was demonstrated in 2018.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Wrong. He won because nobody showed up. He got fewer votes than Romney. The narrative that the white working class elected him is poppycock. Low turnout favors republicans, that’s it. The left doesn’t need to win back racist white folk, they just need turnout as was demonstrated in 2018.

I appreciate what you're saying, but the Democrats' spending of the bulk of their time on deep blue coastal state issues during their Presidential campaigns is going to get Trump re-elected.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I appreciate what you're saying, but the Democrats' spending of the bulk of their time on deep blue coastal state issues during their Presidential campaigns is going to get Trump re-elected.
Healthcare and systemic reforms are not deep blue coastal issues. Trump wants the election to be about healthcare. He still only has a super secret awesome plan where everyone gets a free personal doctor that makes house calls. If you actually listen to the democratic candidates I don’t know where you are getting your narrative. The narrative of leftist extremism only exists in right wing media, not reality.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Healthcare and systemic reforms are not deep blue coastal issues.

100%. The Democrats need to focus on that rather than Green New Deals (I'm completely for realistic environmental protection proposals), intersectionality, slavery reparations, Democratic Socialism, late term abortions, speech sensitivity and rights of the gender fluid.

I'll probably always vote for Democrats as long as it looks like they're doing something to move the ball on healthcare. Obamacare might indeed be :censored2: in some ways but I've seen absolutely nothing from Republicans. They're too busy with that corporate dong. There's nothing more important than healthcare. I just want the Party to keep its eyes on the ball if it wants to win.


Staff member
They're falsely accused of oppressing women/minorities/etc. And in turn, pushed toward the margins in hiring, education, etc in the name of diversity and social justice rather than on a meritocratic basis.

Indeed. I voted for Hillary. I just want blue state Democrats to understand the red and purple state situation so that they don't get Trump re-elected.
That is the claim. The number don’t back it up.

Blue state democrats need to embrace liberal/progressive values and refuse to let republicans slander them for it.


Well-Known Member
How many times did the republicans vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act when they knew that Obama would veto it? Your worried about wasting energy and actual governing?
I agree one hundred percent. The Republicans voted over and over to repeal when they knew there was no chance, then when they had the power to repeal they were exposed as not having a plan to replace Obamacare. Same thing to some extent just happened with the Green New Deal vote. Put on the spot no Democrat senator would go on record to support it, even though a number of senators running for president have publicly claimed supporting it. They're all a bunch of hypocrites. But you missed my point. The House faces elections every two years. The Democrats did well in the House in 2018, gained 40 seats in normally Red districts. Those will be vulnerable in 2020 if they don't do anymore than try to get Trump impeached. Red districts didn't vote for them to do that. They voted for them out of frustration that the Republican House wasn't getting done what they had promised. All of us want government to address real problems, not spend their time bickering over the legitimacy of the President. They got voted in with the chance to prove they can affect positive change. They can just as easily be voted out the next go round if they prove they can't.
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Well-Known Member
I think to be a good politician you probably have to have a sense of self awareness, a good poker face and an on/off switch. Don't think Trump has any of those. He's just a terrible human being who happens to have some things in common with politicians.

But Trump actually said "I HEAR YOU," and "IT'S OK TO BE YOU, WHITE MEN" to folks who are not in the deep blue coastal states that feel they've been left behind. That's what won him the election. And he's still saying it to those folks while the Democratic hard left are calling them racist/worthless/etc. Which will win him another election if the hard left doesn't wise up.
I think if you go back before the election and look at the things Trump has done over the years to help other people with his money it would be hard to paint him as a terrible human being. Saw the other day where he once lent his jet to Nelson Mandela. The thing is he has done a lot without tooting his horn about it, but people assume the worst because the media smears him daily. He's got issues, but, and I know this will be jumped on, he does truly seem to care about the problems this country is facing and is trying to correct them.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
He's got issues, but, and I know this will be jumped on, he does truly seem to care about the problems this country is facing and is trying to correct them.

I do appreciate that he's willing to go ahead and rip the bandaid off to take on controversial issues that few have wanted to touch related to Israel, our southern border, China's IP theft and trade policies, NATO contributions, ridiculousness at the UN, etc.