In business and in life, Trump is a total con man and a terrible person. Unfortunately that’s not enough to lose him the election next November. Because everybody already knows he’s a loathsome

. They knew it before the November ‘16 election. And he hasn’t yet started any wars or tanked the economy. And he’s also not a Russian agent according to Mueller.
The Democrats have to stop stating the obvious about Trump and start talking about what they themselves bring to the table. It’s the only way they can win.
Actually they have started talking about what they bring to the table. And the right screams socialism.
But I’m not sure that’s going to work for them this time. There’s plenty of time for Democrats to delve into aspects of Obamacare that people like and republicans aim to kill. They’ve been doing that and will continue to do so. Oh. And keep pointing out that the republicans plan to replace Obamacare will come after Trump wins re-election. Yeah, right.
Keep discussing the Green New Deal. There may be aspects that people find intriguing, viable, even profitable.
And by all means, never fear the Republican branding machine.
Just think if AOC won the presidential election. Let’s say she wins as a write in candidate. Doesn’t even run a campaign.
It’s not like we elect kings and queens.
Does Trump have his border wall? No. Probably never will.
Has he repealed and replaced Obamacare? No. Probably never will.
But it probably is time for more progressive and even socialist ideas to enter into the political discourse and ideas on how to incorporate them into daily life.
The haters gonna hate anyway.