Exactly. Every single person should matter. Every vote should count equal.
With the electoral college they do not. You're looking at it backwards.
It's very simple - one person, one vote...tally them ALL up and you're done - the voice of the people has spoken.
God this has been very sad to watch.
You are trying to allow high schoolers to vote so you can farm their ballots and prisoners. Now we don’t need the electoral college anymore... it’s just desperate grabs for power. Everything to you people is about the federal level, it’s not enough to control your state and affect life in your cities when it comes to voting. You need to determine policies for the entire country so people can’t flee your rat invested, homeless shelters you call states to lower taxes and cheaper housing.
It drive y’all nuts to see the ever expanding authority of the executive out of your control. It drives me nuts to see an ever expanding executive branch and fourth branch of government the administration state.