President Trump

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
The party has been moving more left for quite some time. You might as move to the right at this point.

Only the vocal minority. Which is why the Party will lose the Presidential election next year if the vocal minority pushes a hard leftist over the top in the Democratic primaries.


Well-Known Member
Do you understand how enjoyable it is to sit back and watch liberal socialist democrats eat their own?

Does anyone need their tea refilled?

I'll get out of your way, make me proud.


Inordinately Right
Yep, those pesky cuckservatives are pushing so many new nuclear power plants. SMH.....
Democrats release climate plans costing trillions of dollars that don't include obvious solutions like nuclear.

Your response: "hurr durr but Republicans!"

You're just as bad as the Republicans still complaining about Hillary.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
From the image ... "growing opposition from environmental activists."

If it were left to environmental activists, we would be living in caves with no electricity!