President Trump


Just a turd
now your question when is our president supposed to ask for this help. Does he have to wait until Biden is no longer running for office?
He shouldn't have to ask for help from foreign countries. We have intelligence agencies that are supposed to be the best in the world. You dont trust your own agencies to investigate these rumors?


Staff member
The biggest difference between Trump and Obama and almost all other Prez is that Trump gets involved personally.
Obama would have done the same thing except his AG would have been the point person.
Trump probably would have done this except the little dumb elf from Alabama was part of the Deep State.
Ah yes. The Deep State. People aren’t opposed to Trump because he a bumbling idiot who plays whatever victim Fox and Friends tells him he is.

People oppose him because they are all part of an evil conspiracy of communists and globalists who hate America.

Here’s your TDS.


Victory Ride


Well-Known Member
The same ones he was warned were not credible by Volker?

you guys are chasing a whistleblower that does not have direct knowledge of anything he is blowing the whistle on.

at the same time Gulliani has multiple sworn statements from the actual players at the time including the fired prosecuter and you guys want to look the other way?

investigate your own dirty politicians before you come after mine


Just a turd
you guys are chasing a whistleblower that does not have direct knowledge of anything he is blowing the whistle on.

at the same time Gulliani has multiple sworn statements from the actual players at the time including the fired prosecuter and you guys want to look the other way?

investigate your own dirty politicians before you come after mine
You poor picked upon Conservatives.
tenor (4).gif


Well-Known Member
To answer your question as to when Trump was supposed to ask for help: If the matter as he claims is a long standing matter of national security and importance then he should have asked for help within weeks of taking office if not sooner as evidenced by his waiting 3 years to ask for assistance and not until JB got in the race which proves conclusively that Ukrainian corruption was not deemed a national security threat anywhere near as much as JB was to Trump's chances of being elected.

he didnt know about it three years ago sworn statements started coming forth in the last year. the previous government was voted out in july of this year . the previous government was aiding in the pay for play and cover up.

so starting with the change in july when were we supposed to investigate the biden pay for play?


Well-Known Member
They left a long time ago along with most of the people he did hire

not in the intelligence community . its a matter of time before this version of a disheveled blasey ford is revealed.

its interesting though the script continues to be the same. always anonymous sources fabricating wild ass stories.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
He shouldn't have to ask for help from foreign countries. We have intelligence agencies that are supposed to be the best in the world. You dont trust your own agencies to investigate these rumors?
You had your head inside your shell the last three years?
Hell no ... you don't trust your enemies.
If he could get field agents to do the investigating without going through the Washington Swamp based heads ... then "Hell Yes!"