President Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
welcome back.

does it recquire any action?

at which point does possible wrong doing of the type Biden has been accused of recquire an investigation?

Does the fact that biden is running for office stop the investigation or accelerate it based on the fact we would not want to elect an official to office who is corrupt?

why is it ok to investigate a trump while running for office but not a biden.

is Trump really giving them a taste of their own medicine?
Those arguments don’t hold up when you factor in Trump didn’t contact the FBI for an investigation. He withheld foreign aid to an ally to extort them into publicizing a fake investigation.


Well-Known Member
Those arguments don’t hold up when you factor in Trump didn’t contact the FBI for an investigation. He withheld foreign aid to an ally to extort them into publicizing a fake investigation.
No, he didn't. The aid was released and no investigation of Biden happened. Meanwhile Biden threatened to withhold aid if the country's top prosecutor, who was looking into the natural gas company who was giving Biden's son millions, wasn't fired.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No, he didn't. The aid was released and no investigation of Biden happened. Meanwhile Biden threatened to withhold aid if the country's top prosecutor, who was looking into the natural gas company who was giving Biden's son millions, wasn't fired.
Read the transcript. “I need you to do me a favor though.” Everyone involved knew the aid was being withheld in exchange for personal political favors. Trump is abusing his office for personal gain. He is using tax payer dollars to extort foreign countries. I don’t know why you think that’s a good thing.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Read the transcript. “I need you to do me a favor though.” Everyone involved knew the aid was being withheld in exchange for personal political favors. Trump is abusing his office for personal gain. He is using tax payer dollars to extort foreign countries. I don’t know why you think that’s a good thing.
Because Obama and Biden did the same thing?
You know Obama was never investigated and was holy!


Staff member
No, he didn't. The aid was released and no investigation of Biden happened. Meanwhile Biden threatened to withhold aid if the country's top prosecutor, who was looking into the natural gas company who was giving Biden's son millions, wasn't fired.
You need to look at the timeline.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Well gee golly gosh, what did Ukraine have to give Trump to get our taxpayer dollars?
A public announcement they were investigating Biden. Trump knows that just the mention of an investigation is enough to paint his opponents as corrupt as he is. He learned from the Hillary emails that despite there being nothing there just blabbering about the investigation brings everyone down to his level. It clearly worked on you.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
A public announcement they were investigating Biden. Trump knows that just the mention of an investigation is enough to paint his opponents as corrupt as he is. He learned from the Hillary emails that despite there being nothing there just blabbering about the investigation brings everyone down to his level. It clearly worked on you.
dow jones will close at a record today

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Well-Known Member
If you attempt to rob a bank but the police get there first, do you get to go home?
This is insane. You want to impeach over what might have happened instead of what did. Meanwhile you ignore the corruption of your party's biggest leaders. Corruption that's a million light years beyond Trump wanting Biden investigated, if indeed he did.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
If you attempt to rob a bank but the police get there first, do you get to go home?
If Trump had promised $400 million under the table in exchange for dirt on Biden, you would have a case. Not the same as placing a condition on an approved payment. That’s exactly how our government operates. “You vote for my bill, and I will vote for yours”.

If Trump is guilty, so is everyone else.