President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Stop acting like you’re some sideline judge. You’re bought and paid for just like the rest of the Republican Party
I haven't voted for a Repug since the first Reagan term (except the last Georgia Governors race)
I detest the politics and lies of Repugs.
I detest the politics, lies and stupidity of DemWits.
Although I don't belong to the Libertarian Party, that is who I vote for.

I don't take politics very seriously but I love to make fun of people who do ... they are such stups!

El Correcto

god is dead
I haven't voted for a Repug since the first Reagan term (except the last Georgia Governors race)
I detest the politics and lies of Repugs.
I detest the politics, lies and stupidity of DemWits.
Although I don't belong to the Libertarian Party, that is who I vote for.

I don't take politics very seriously but I love to make fun of people who do ... they are such stups!
Didn’t you donate to a Republican?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I haven't voted for a Repug since the first Reagan term (except the last Georgia Governors race)
I detest the politics and lies of Repugs.
I detest the politics, lies and stupidity of DemWits.
Although I don't belong to the Libertarian Party, that is who I vote for.

I don't take politics very seriously but I love to make fun of people who do ... they are such stups!
Didn’t you donate to a Republican?
Yes ... to Brian Kemp who was running for Governor against the fat racist pig Socialist Stacey Abrams.
I felt unclean for doing so but I was disgusted by the fat pig who was getting all her money from California and Soros.
BTW the image below is very flattering to her!

