President Trump


Well-Known Member
Executive Privilege doesn't cover criminal actions.actions.

if it is criminal actions as you say then I'm sure you'll immediately push your side to allow full legal rights to the president to defend himself instead of the selective presentation of evidence we've seen so far.


Well-Known Member
Except no investigation of Biden took place and aid was given. Still amazes me though that Trump is being hammered for mentioning Biden and y'all turn a blind eye to what Biden and son actually did. How dare Trump look into Biden's corruption!

not only was it not investigated but testimony this week has shown an alarming ambivalence towards the issue by these governmental hacks.

The actual ambassador struggled to agree that Trump has done much more to help the Ukraine then Obama. How can you be an ambassador allegedly trying to help a country and not condemn Obama's policy of blanket and pillows as the russians are blatantly attacking the country you're helping.

but there was no whistleblower during Obama, no public outrage by state department officials at all.


Engorged Member
not only was it not investigated but testimony this week has shown an alarming ambivalence towards the issue by these governmental hacks.

The actual ambassador struggled to agree that Trump has done much more to help the Ukraine then Obama. How can you be an ambassador allegedly trying to help a country and not condemn Obama's policy of blanket and pillows as the russians are blatantly attacking the country you're helping.

but there was no whistleblower during Obama, no public outrage by state department officials at all.



Engorged Member
You skated over the most important part of Libertarian thought as related to open borders.
Libertarians would absolutely not support any welfare or social programs by the government.
Immigrants would only come into the USA unless there were jobs they could fill that pay for their retirement, healthcare, schooling, etc.

Please return your Social Security check and discontinue Medicare immediately. Live the life.


Well-Known Member


Engorged Member
he is not above the United States law , he is above Schiffs law

It's wonderful today watching Trump melt down in advance of tomorrow's testimony of "Never Trumpers". He knows what they're going to say will just bolster the case against him. It's like watching a beached whale trying to roll back into the ocean, except the ocean is now dry and far away. Attacking loyalists as disloyal is desperate. The non-existent "Deep State" is attacking our poor, greatest-ever president. UNFAIR!!, WITCH HUNT!!

How long before McConnell sees the obvious and pulls the plug? Once support falls beyond Mitch's magic level, Trump will go under the bus, because McConnell is all about the party, not the office or Trump. At stake is the survival of the GOP itself. Hopefully, Trump takes it down with him as he spirals ever lower into the toilet bowl. Maybe Mitch won't put the whale out of it's misery soon enough. We shall see.

So, how many days before Pence and the others are also "Never Trumpers"? Not too much longer, because they're all going to say the same thing, which is to support the charges of extortion/quid pro quo, and abuse of the presidency. Pence is also implicated.

You can all make fun of Schiff and Pelosi, but they're winning, and following the law and Constitution. There is no "Schiff's Law". The orange con man probably has a few more tricks up his sleeve, but he's running out of options.

Resignation in the wind. Enjoy the show.
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