President Trump


Inordinately Right
Sorry, but no. The crime is the extortion and attempt to extract dirt, not some deadline. He could have given the money 30 seconds after the request and it would still be a crime.

Adjust your tinfoil hat toward Venus.
Nope. Asking a favor is not extortion. You are desperate because you cannot beat Trump in an election. Give it up girl.


Inordinately Right
Yeah. He's only your president, and his opinion doesn't matter, especially when the accusations involve him. Remember Campaign Trump. Yeah, the one spreading the lie that Obama was a Muslim, the one who appeared on Alex Jones, and talked about grabbing "cats" because he was a celebutard and got to do that.

He's so honest, and intimidating a witness during an impeachment hearing (that he wasn't even watching) is totally OK.
The only people truly intimated by Trump are liberals when they think about the election next year.

You dimwits are trying to undermine our democracy by influencing the election with this fake impeachment nonsense. You should be embarrassed.

I'll pray for you fren.


Well-Known Member
The bottle is at least half-full, Fren. Parnas, whom Trump "doesn't know",wants to testify, probably aware he's heading to prison otherwise. Parnas met with Trump numerous times, so one has to wonder who was giving him marching orders besides Rudy.

It's all about Ukrainian gas and oil. Just ask Rick Perry. Oh, you can't. Maybe Mike Pompeo can fill you in. Ooops. Sorry, Mike isn't taking calls right now.

Follow da' money, Fren.


Well-Known Member
Dear Brick,
Trump is not allowing the first-hand witnesses to testify. Just add some more Obstruction of Justice to the existing charges.

Trump can't keep them from testifying. That's obstruction. The witnesses involved choose to testify or not. Schiff was supposed to have people who saw and know. He doesn't.


Well-Known Member
Dear Brick,
Trump is not allowing the first-hand witnesses to testify. Just add some more Obstruction of Justice to the existing charges.

If he were Schiff would be charging him with obstruction. That was the goal to begin with, have so called whistleblower say a bunch of things that Trump did, then charge Trump with obstruction, claiming a cover-up. They didn't count on Trump releasing the transcript which blew the whistleblower's lies out of the water. So now Schiff is parading a bunch of non witnesses in hope of covering up what he attempted to do. Another Dem coup attempt falling apart. If you're going to take out a president you need a gang who can shoot straight, so to speak.


Engorged Member
Trump can't keep them from testifying. That's obstruction. The witnesses involved choose to testify or not. Schiff was supposed to have people who saw and know. He doesn't.

Well, then he IS obstructing, isn't he? All of the first-hand people who were in on the call have been ordered by the White House NOT to cooperate. That is obstruction, isn't it? The latest is that Trump ordered the quid pro quo, which is yet to be confirmed.

You are absolutely a brick when it comes to this subject. Let Pompeo and Mulvaney testify and probably lie. Then, they can go to prison for Trump if they'd like.

You need to get off the FAUX. In the meantime, Trump is headed to Walter Reed for a bonespur checkup and to be declared legally insane. Then, he can leave office under the 25th Amendment and let Jesus H. Pence take over.

One can only hope.


Well-Known Member
Well, then he IS obstructing, isn't he? All of the first-hand people who were in on the call have been ordered by the White House NOT to cooperate. That is obstruction, isn't it? The latest is that Trump ordered the quid pro quo, which is yet to be confirmed.

You are absolutely a brick when it comes to this subject. Let Pompeo and Mulvaney testify and probably lie. Then, they can go to prison for Trump if they'd like.

You need to get off the FAUX. In the meantime, Trump is headed to Walter Reed for a bonespur checkup and to be declared legally insane. Then, he can leave office under the 25th Amendment and let Jesus H. Pence take over.

One can only hope.
If he's obstructing then why aren't they charging him? It's called Executive Privilege. If Schiff didn't have anything why is he spending millions? Where's the beef? Not up to Trump to supply him with witnesses. Where are the Schiff witnesses to all of this malfeasance?


Engorged Member
If he's obstructing then why aren't they charging him? It's called Executive Privilege. If Schiff didn't have anything why is he spending millions? Where's the beef? Not up to Trump to supply him with witnesses. Where are the Schiff witnesses to all of this malfeasance?

Executive Privilege doesn't cover criminal actions.actions. King Trump the First wants to be exempt from our laws. Apparently, you're fine with that.


Engorged Member
You prefer to overthrow an elected president and crap on democracy because you're a desperate Trump victim.

It's pretty clear that Trump thinks he's above the law. Are you OK with that? Again, Trump is the one crapping on democracy, as in he's a king. The rule of law is central to the preservation of it, and Donald thinks he's exempt.

No. Little :censored2: will have the last word because he has the Constitution backing him. Hopefully, the SCOTUS also believes in the Constitution.