President Trump


Engorged Member
Mueller didn't think so, but who needs facts

Word is that Trump went to Walter Reed Hospital to have Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes surgically removed from his rectum. After today, Trump will have to go back to the hospital and have them taken out again.


Well-Known Member
Schiff is following US law(s). Maybe you should stop following Russian "law" like Trump does.

yea I must have missed that US law that says the prosecuter becomes the judge and does not allow the accused any rights.

hope you get tried under the same circumstances some day.


Well-Known Member
Ideological fanaticism. A bunch of holdovers from previous Admins who run most of the administrative state can't stand Donald Trump's connection to the dwindling Caucasian Majority. Every day Trump is in Office it is a refute of everything into which they've invested their egos. Where I am disappointed is the exact location where rank & file Republicans continue to sell out the base. Happens every time.


Staff member


nowhere special
The hearings today were all about providing sound bites for the media. Not about discovering any new evidence. Despite claims of new "bombshells" it was just more opinions.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The hearings today were all about providing sound bites for the media. Not about discovering any new evidence. Despite claims of new "bombshells" it was just more opinions.
That’s the point. We have the President openly admitting to his crimes. The hearings are a political process. They demonstrate that everyone involved knew what he was doing was wrong and how they tried to cover it up.


Well-Known Member
The hearings today were all about providing sound bites for the media. Not about discovering any new evidence. Despite claims of new "bombshells" it was just more opinions.
What happened at the hearings today is a continuation of what we've seen for the last several days. He's running out of people willing to protect him. They obviously see no benefit in doing so .No use trying to defend a quid pro quo that the administration freely admits occurred especially when the people who are responsible are free to go before congress and tell their side of the story but choose not to do so.