President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
"Ask Rudy"... DJT


I think Rudy wanted to secure a lucrative gas/oil contract for his meathead friends, Lev and the other bro, so he could cash in.

He fed Donald a raft of crap about the Ukrainians hating Trump, and being the real culprits behind the 2016 election meddling, and the Donald went down the rabbit-hole with Rudy egging him on the entire time.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

You can cry 'deep-state' all you want, but the evidence that Ukraine was a/the major player behind election interference in 2016 is non-existent, yet toady's like Nunes and Jordan hop on board to please the King.

The entire thing is shabby, but I feel bad that Donald got out-crooked by America's Mayor.

The only corruption Trump cared about was the supposed Ukrainian attack on his campaign (false) and the supposed corruption regarding the Bidens (tbd).

I get it guy...for some reason you went full-on-Trump.

We’re all entitled to our opinions.

But please, in your newfound MAGA state, don’t leave your faculties behind.

This isn’t 4-Chan, or 8-Kun, or whatever other nonsense you’re being informed by.

Trump said exactly what he meant on that transcript.

The whistleblower is irrelevant, since eleven other individuals have confirmed what Trump actually said on that transcript.

Like I said in a different post, who cares?

It is what is is, Impeachment is a political process, and the Dems are fkng this up just like they fk everything up.

But be honest with yourself...of course Trump doesn’t care about corruption, he was trying to discredit Joe Biden, plain and simple.


(Trump will throw Rudy under the bus at the drop of a hat...)
Sorry Dude but this is a perfect example of Conspiracy Theory and in Capital Letters.

El Correcto

god is dead
What’s your meaning of a “well regulated militia”?
An armed and ready population.
“being necessary to the security of a free State”
to resist tyranny.
“the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The government did not give me the right to own a gun. It is unalienable.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Lol, which part?
I think Rudy wanted to secure a lucrative gas/oil contract for his meathead friends, Lev and the other bro, so he could cash in.

He fed Donald a raft of crap about the Ukrainians hating Trump, and being the real culprits behind the 2016 election meddling, and the Donald went down the rabbit-hole with Rudy egging him on the entire time.

The entire thing is shabby, but I feel bad that Donald got out-crooked by America's Mayor.
This without a doubt.


Well-Known Member
This without a doubt.

You missed the third line: the part where I said "I think".

I didn't tie it to a news organization, or put it out as truth, I prefaced it by saying:


I think Rudy wanted..."

I mean, with Rudy's ties to these meatheads who were in deep trying to get their mitts on Ukrainian gas fields, it seems logical that the only reason Rudy was trying to get rid of the anti-corruption Ambassador was that he wanted a different Ambassador, someone more amenable to his type of corruption.

Just a theory.

You didn't think Rudy was over there investigating the Bidens because he was interested in rooting out 'corruption', did you?

Rudy was on FOX News saying he was over there to interfere in an 'investigation'.

Guy, come on, I'm just reporting what's on ACTUAL TELEVISION.

Gotta love Trump and Rudy, they say exactly what they mean.

How is that a conspiracy?

They both admitted to it!

El Correcto

god is dead
You missed the third line: the part where I said "I think".

I didn't tie it to a news organization, or put it out as truth, I prefaced it by saying:


I think Rudy wanted..."

I mean, with Rudy's ties to these meatheads who were in deep trying to get their mitts on Ukrainian gas fields, it seems logical that the only reason Rudy was trying to get rid of the anti-corruption Ambassador was that he wanted a different Ambassador, someone more amenable to his type of corruption.

Just a theory.

You didn't think Rudy was over there investigating the Bidens because he was interested in rooting out 'corruption', did you?

Rudy was on FOX News saying he was over there to interfere in an 'investigation'.

Guy, come on, I'm just reporting what's on ACTUAL TELEVISION.

Gotta love Trump and Rudy, they say exactly what they mean.

How is that a conspiracy?

They both admitted to it!
I’ll pray for you fren.


Well-Known Member
An armed and ready population.
“being necessary to the security of a free State”
to resist tyranny.
“the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The government did not give me the right to own a gun. It is unalienable.

The forefathers would have never imagined ordinary people owning assault rifles for "self defense".

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You missed the third line: the part where I said "I think".

I didn't tie it to a news organization, or put it out as truth, I prefaced it by saying:


I think Rudy wanted..."

I mean, with Rudy's ties to these meatheads who were in deep trying to get their mitts on Ukrainian gas fields, it seems logical that the only reason Rudy was trying to get rid of the anti-corruption Ambassador was that he wanted a different Ambassador, someone more amenable to his type of corruption.

Just a theory.

You didn't think Rudy was over there investigating the Bidens because he was interested in rooting out 'corruption', did you?

Rudy was on FOX News saying he was over there to interfere in an 'investigation'.

Guy, come on, I'm just reporting what's on ACTUAL TELEVISION.

Gotta love Trump and Rudy, they say exactly what they mean.

How is that a conspiracy?

They both admitted to it!
You 'schiff'ted'.

El Correcto

god is dead
The forefathers would have never imagined ordinary people owning assault rifles for "self defense".
They most certainly did. We didn’t start getting serious national gun control laws until prohibition.

The federal government should have no say in what guns state residents are allowed to own, something about centralized tyranny and disarming the states.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
What’s your meaning of a “well regulated militia”?
It's the 'necessary evil' that protects our nation from its enemies.

Our citizenry is not the enemy of a well-regulated militia.

In the event that the militia fails to remain well-regulated, and in order to prevent the tyranny of the federal government, the citizenry retain the right to 'keep and bear arms' to defend their inalienable freedom.

Everyone but @bacha29 should be able to recognize this.