President Trump

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
It's illegal to own a sawed off shotgun but not a semi automatic rifle.
Under the National Firearms Act (NFA), it is illegal for a private citizen to possess a sawed-off modern smokeless powder shotgun (a shotgunwith a barrel length shorter than 18 inches (46 center manager) or a minimum overall length of the weapon, total.

Wrong again.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
The forefathers would have never imagined assault rifles ... for the military or citizens.

I can imagine the handheld laser cannon that’ll be common in the year 2257. Can vaporize what we’d call a dump truck today with a single shot.

Cats are going to steal and adapt the technology in 2261 and really wreak havoc with it until we hit them with dog conversion missiles at the end of the Great Feline Uprising of 2264.

Lazy forefathers!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I can imagine the handheld laser cannon that’ll be common in the year 2257. Can vaporize what we’d call a dump truck today with a single shot.

Cats are going to steal and adapt the technology in 2261 and really wreak havoc with it until we hit them with dog conversion missiles at the end of the Great Feline Uprising of 2264.

Lazy forefathers!
I want a laser cannon!!!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Go ahead. Tell me about your Second Amendment rights.
I can shoot anything except Area 51!


Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Trump can speak in tongues for real, because he is the world's BEST Christian.

It is really fun to :censored2: around with my IRL evangelical friends about that down here in the south. Remind them that Trump is into :censored2:ing porn stars while wives are pregnant, etc. They get so mad because they know it's the truth.

But in the next sentence I tell them that none of that even matters if the Democrats keep running Presidential candidates that moderates like myself can't stand.

Oh well! They win.