President Trump

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
I wouldn’t call Iowa, Wisconsin, or Michigan red states.

I agree with you that farmers are probably pissed but think that the 3 years of continued economic progress under Trump might temper their impact at the polls even if they could stomach voting for a hard leftist or a gay man if Biden doesn’t make it.


Staff member
I agree with you that farmers are probably pissed but think that the 3 years of continued economic progress under Trump might temper their impact at the polls even if they could stomach voting for a hard leftist or a gay man if Biden doesn’t make it.
Economic progress? For farmers with millions of dollars of debt to pay and markets closed off by tariffs?


nowhere special


Staff member
No. For the non-farmers.
Ok. But you need to realize how vast farm economy affects these states and the industries they affect.

Then you add in the margin the president won by in these stars and his low popularity and only then can you see how a “hard left” or “gay” candidate could possibly win.

The answer is simple. The way things are going in the fabulous Trump economy is threatening their financial existence. They are the ones paying for the record stock markets. Where’s Harley Davidson? Where’s the manufacturing?

More of the same?


Well-Known Member
Ok. But you need to realize how vast farm economy affects these states and the industries they affect.

Then you add in the margin the president won by in these stars and his low popularity and only then can you see how a “hard left” or “gay” candidate could possibly win.

The answer is simple. The way things are going in the fabulous Trump economy is threatening their financial existence. They are the ones paying for the record stock markets. Where’s Harley Davidson? Where’s the manufacturing?

More of the same?
The 266,000 jobs in the November report included over 50,000 manufacturing jobs. Jobs Obama said were never coming back.


Well-Known Member
In Iowa? Wisconsin? Michigan? Pennsylvania?

The Democrats can win the popular vote. It’s the electoral college that needs to be looked at. Right @Old Man Jingles ?
I don't know what current unemployment is in those states but I do get a lot of work from them except Iowa. Keep in mind some blue states might vote for Trump this time due to the economy.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What if the booming Trump economy isn’t being felt by farmers, coal miners, and auto workers?

It won’t take millions of them to flip three states from red to blue.
Ok. But you need to realize how vast farm economy affects these states and the industries they affect.

Then you add in the margin the president won by in these stars and his low popularity and only then can you see how a “hard left” or “gay” candidate could possibly win.

The answer is simple. The way things are going in the fabulous Trump economy is threatening their financial existence. They are the ones paying for the record stock markets. Where’s Harley Davidson? Where’s the manufacturing?

More of the same?


Well-Known Member
What if the booming Trump economy isn’t being felt by farmers, coal miners, and auto workers?

It won’t take millions of them to flip three states from red to blue.

what if pink dragons were really blue.

you libs constantly argue the losses that trump could suffer from the 2016 and not those voters he could gain.
you also ignore that todays dem candidates despite Hillaries negatives are not as strong a political force as Hillary was.

I have friends and family that were trump haters in 2016 who are now supporters . they still despise his personality but they like what he has done with the country.
I have not seen anyone in that group that has gone the other way.

the constant attacks by the dems may have actually helped that . my sister in law who still despises trumps personality flaws said recently "that poor man the democrats wont leave him alone"
I about fell on the floor.


Staff member
what if pink dragons were really blue.

you libs constantly argue the losses that trump could suffer from the 2016 and not those voters he could gain.
you also ignore that todays dem candidates despite Hillaries negatives are not as strong a political force as Hillary was.

I have friends and family that were trump haters in 2016 who are now supporters . they still despise his personality but they like what he has done with the country.
I have not seen anyone in that group that has gone the other way.

the constant attacks by the dems may have actually helped that . my sister in law who still despises trumps personality flaws said recently "that poor man the democrats wont leave him alone"
I about fell on the floor.

Your certainty is commendable.

Your objectivity, not so much.


Staff member
funded by the democratic elites. Were setting up for a repeat of 2016.

a candidate funded by the leftist elites versus trumps deplorable blue collar base.
Ok. I doubt the Blue collar base is actually benefiting from Trump policies, but it’s not illegal to be stupid. Or deplorable. Or even stupid and deplorable.


Staff member
or at 52 percent per Rasmussen? my memory is a bit foggy but wasnt Rasmussen about the only poll that got it right in 2016?

why is that ? Is the same MSM that attacks trump also cooking the polls?
No. I think LA Times did as well. I don’t think they have the president’s approval number that high now.


Well-Known Member
Your certainty is commendable.

Your objectivity, not so much.

my answer was very objective in response to yours which was lacking. you can analyze the 2020 election by assuming that Trumps 2016 result was the best he can do. Voters on both sides can move for any number of reasons . this point i presented and you either misssed or misrepresented.