President Trump


Staff member
my answer was very objective in response to yours which was lacking. you can analyze the 2020 election by assuming that Trumps 2016 result was the best he can do. Voters on both sides can move for any number of reasons . this point i presented and you either misssed or misrepresented.
Voters can move. Which is the point I was making. And the ones the democrats need to move are in a few key states where the smallest movement to the democrats loses the election for trump

Now I’ll ask you what I asked van:

What states will have so much voter movement so as to move that state from Democrats to Trump?


Well-Known Member
Voters can move. Which is the point I was making.

your argument being they can only move in one direction from the maximum result. this is flawed thinking. without being overly optimistic it is realistically conceivable that any president with the record economic results this one has achieved would benefit from those results. That is not being partisan but very realistic.

you and your sort keep hoping the grass is not that green and that there are hidden problems that will result in a ground swell of negatives.


Staff member
your argument being they can only move in one direction from the maximum result. this is flawed thinking. without being overly optimistic it is realistically conceivable that any president with the record economic results this one has achieved would benefit from those results. That is not being partisan but very realistic.

you and your sort keep hoping the grass is not that green and that there are hidden problems that will result in a ground swell of negatives.
No. I am not saying they can only move one way. I am saying that the margin in these stars is far smaller for Trump to lose than it is for democrats to lose in other states.


Man of Great Wisdom
Voters can move. Which is the point I was making. And the ones the democrats need to move are in a few key states where the smallest movement to the democrats loses the election for trump

Now I’ll ask you what I asked van:

What states will have so much voter movement so as to move that state from Democrats to Trump?
Wisconsin won't need much of a flip to go blue again. Gov Walker got the boot in the middle of his so called great economy.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Was Reagan at 40% approval in ‘84?
You said '84 and then provided proof in '88.
In the article, it says, "In January 1983, only 41 percent of Americans approved of the job Reagan was doing".

Reagan approval 88.PNG
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Staff member
You said '84 and then provided proof in '88.
In the article, it says, "In January 1983, only 41 percent of Americans approved of the job Reagan was doing".

View attachment 275164

But as the economy began to rebound and unemployment declined, Reagan's ratings rebounded too. Heading into Election Day in 1984, 58 percent of Americans approved of his job performance, and he was easily reelected carrying 49 states. Reagan received some of his highest ratings in 1985 and 1986. In 1986, he reached an approval rating of 67 percent twice (in June and October) -- matching the rating he received when CBS News first measured it in 1981.

Read the entire article.


Engorged Member
Imagine this economy with Hillary as Prez!!!

Booming, with strong global trade. Protectionism has never been a good strategy, and it isn't now either. Perhaps you should whisper in Trump's ear that we have a global economy, and that "America First" has economic consequences that aren't always positive.

I'm glad that the people in Indiana have full employment assembling RVs and travel trailers at $15 per hour. The middle class is still shrinking.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
But as the economy began to rebound and unemployment declined, Reagan's ratings rebounded too. Heading into Election Day in 1984, 58 percent of Americans approved of his job performance, and he was easily reelected carrying 49 states. Reagan received some of his highest ratings in 1985 and 1986. In 1986, he reached an approval rating of 67 percent twice (in June and October) -- matching the rating he received when CBS News first measured it in 1981.

Read the entire article.
Quit lying or are you just ignorant?
1983 for Reagan is equivalent to Trump 2019.
Your TDS is making you irrational and lazy!

PS - I read the entire article ... that is why I corrected you and now again!
Come on Man!


Staff member
I quoted the article. How am I lying?

My quote had nothing to do with 1988. Which means it’s you who was lying.


Well-Known Member
Yes. An even stronger economy. Many Wall St. analysts have predicted a jump if Trump leaves, because investors hate the kind of instability characteristic of Trumpanomics.
Must be a lot of unstable investors out there with the stock market hitting all time highs.


Well-Known Member
But as the economy began to rebound and unemployment declined, Reagan's ratings rebounded too. Heading into Election Day in 1984, 58 percent of Americans approved of his job performance, and he was easily reelected carrying 49 states. Reagan received some of his highest ratings in 1985 and 1986. In 1986, he reached an approval rating of 67 percent twice (in June and October) -- matching the rating he received when CBS News first measured it in 1981.

Read the entire article.
And Trump's job approval rating is currently at 58%.


Engorged Member
Trump's personal ratings aren't high, but his job approval ratings are pretty good. Bottom line will enough Dems and Independents vote against him for someone with unproven, costly ideas?

When do the trade wars hit home with you and other Trump supporters? Long-term, we aren't winning. Trump has managed to destroy manufacturing and farming alliances with China (and others) that took decades to build. Even if China and the US come to terms, they have already secured other suppliers of soybeans, manufactured goods, and other major Chinese imports that aren't coming back. These are two interdependent economies, a fact that none of you seem to realize. If China tanks, we tank too, because the US is absolutely dependent on trade with them and vice-versa.

Ask the executives at John Deere, Caterpillar, and Boeing how sales to China are going. For Deere and CAT, domestic farming woes are killing domestic sales too. By screwing the farmers, Trump also screws the companies that sell them equipment.

Trump can rail about protectionism and tariffs forever if he wants, but history has shown they don't work. Free trade, which has been a GOP tradition, is going by the wayside, and that isn't a good thing.

I'm so happy that you think Trump's economy has long-term viability, which it doesn't. A lot of the "gains" came through the tax cuts, which have ballooned deficits and lined the pockets of the 1%. Trickle-down isn't happening as described, nor are tax revenues increasing because of a booming eceonomy.

Sooner or later, it will go south. Keep on believing in King Orange though. Let's see how he does when it starts to erode.