President Trump

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
the Conservative party in this country has committed suicide.

Democrats are on video supporting free healthcare and college for illegal immigrants. They go too lgbtqxyz town halls and praise parents giving hormone suppressing medication to children to prevent puberty. They back post birth abortion. They spend all their time virtue signaling and calling the majority of Americans racist.

Do you idiots want to lose the election? FFS, you can't beat Donald Trump of all people, pathetic.


Staff member
Democrats are on video supporting free healthcare and college for illegal immigrants. They go too lgbtqxyz town halls and praise parents giving hormone suppressing medication to children to prevent puberty. They back post birth abortion. They spend all their time virtue signaling and calling the majority of Americans racist.

Do you idiots want to lose the election? FFS, you can't beat Donald Trump of all people, pathetic.
For a group that saw an incredibly flawed and unpopular candidate win an election nobody thought he could win, you’re awfully quick to write off others.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
The Electoral College is obsolete and should be abolished.

Im open to hearing why it’s obsolete. I do think we’d eventually have another civil war if the electoral college were abolished and rural areas were forced to bow to the will of the big cities.
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Im open to hearing why it’s obsolete. I do think we’d eventually have another civil war if the electoral college were abolished and rural areas were forced to bow to the will of the big cities.
How does the Electoral College get removed?
It will take 37 of the 50 state legislatures to amend this term of the US Constitution.
It's just empty words and wishes of sheep in a minority of the states.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The Electoral College is obsolete and should be abolished.
They will when Bloomberg becomes president.
How does the Electoral College get removed?
It will take 37 of the 50 state legislatures to amend this term of the US Constitution.
It's just empty words and wishes of sheep in a minority of the states.

Funny boy!

Ineffective trolling ... I know you are smarter than that. :teethy:

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
You don’t think it will be close in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania?

If the economy tanks, yes. If the impeachment trial in the Senate doesn't go well for the Democrats, no.

If the Democratic Presidential candidate is to the left of where Hillary was when she lost, no.


Well-Known Member
Agree. It over-represents rural America. Trump was a big proponent of getting rid of it until it worked in his favor in 2016. "His people" get a disproportionate say, and he's fine with that.
Most people still live in metropolitan areas. What you meant to say is the coastal areas and Chicago where liberals are the majority should be able to tell everyone else how to live.


Engorged Member
Most people still live in metropolitan areas. What you meant to say is the coastal areas and Chicago where liberals are the majority should be able to tell everyone else how to live.

The Electoral College should represent everyone equally, regardless of where they live. A vote in coastal areas carries less weight than a vote in rural America. Fair? No.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.

Looked like Trump was gonna lose big in 2016. The polls are meaningless. Trump's obviously a :censored2: nozzle who :censored2:s porn stars while his wife is pregnant. But things are probably better for most voters now than they were a few years ago, which outweighs their concerns over Trump's personal shortcomings. Trump's continued presence in the White House would also be a bulwark against some of the nonsense the Democratic Presidential candidates have been proposing.

Lots of people will vote for Trump without announcing it.


Staff member
Looked like Trump was gonna lose big in 2016. The polls are meaningless. Trump's obviously a :censored2: nozzle who :censored2:s porn stars while his wife is pregnant. But things are probably better for most voters now than they were a few years ago, which outweighs their concerns over Trump's personal shortcomings. Trump's continued presence in the White House would also be a bulwark against some of the nonsense the Democratic Presidential candidates have been proposing.

Lots of people will vote for Trump without announcing it.
Trump narrowly won in these states. Assuming the polls are wrong is a crazy strategy.