President Trump


Engorged Member
No amigo, China lost half it's pig herd to ASF, thus a huge drop in demand for soybeans.. Meanwhile it's been buying from Brazil and Argentina because they're cheaper. They buy in the U.S. when the others start running out of beans. And China has protectionist policies to protect their industries. We don't sell very many cars in China for example. Trump is negotiating to open up their market to our products but it looks like the Phase 1 deal will be about as good as it gets..

Nyet, Komrade. Those soybean contracts were US deals until Trump tariffs killed them. Sure, maybe they're cheaper through other countries now, but I don't see any proof of that. US farmers are very efficient and price-competitive. Trump cost them their sales, plain and simple.

Those same soybean and corn farmers aren't buying new combines or other farm equipment because they're going broke. Nobody invests in new equipment when the future market is so uncertain.

Ever been to China? I have... a lot. They love Hummers, Buicks, and VWs, plus the elites love German luxury cars. GM and VW build previous generation cars in plants located in China, and Hummer sold all of their tooling to the Chinese. Geely is the big car company there, and Geely owns Volvo among other foreign manufacturers, so they've got their hand in other markets too.

Most Chinese aren't interested in most US cars, which are too large, and it's a slim percentage of Chinese that can actually afford cars anyways. Motorcycles and public transport rule the day.

The swine flu outbreak happened after the Trump tariffs, so that's another lie/excuse. Ever hear of tofu? Soybeans are a mainstay of the Chinese food supply as well.

Keep trying, van, and I'll keep shooting you down.
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Well-Known Member
Nyet, Komrade. Those soybean contracts were US deals until Trump tariffs killed them. Sure, maybe they're cheaper through other countries now, but I don't see any proof of that. US farmers are very efficient and price-competitive. Trump cost them their sales, plain and simple.

Those same soybean and corn farmers aren't buying new combines or other farm equipment because they're going broke. Nobody invests in new equipment when the future market is so uncertain.

Ever been to China? I have... a lot. They love Hummers, Buicks, and VWs, plus the elites love German luxury cars. GM and VW build previous generation cars in plants located in China, and Hummer sold all of their tooling to the Chinese. Geely is the big car company there, and Geely owns Volvo among other foreign manufacturers, so they've got their hand in other markets too.

Most Chinese aren't interested in most US cars, which are too large, and it's a slim percentage of Chinese that can actually afford cars anyways. Motorcycles and public transport rule the day.

The swine flu outbreak happened after the Trump tariffs, so that's another lie/excuse. Ever hear of tofu? Soybeans are a mainstay of the Chinese food supply as well.

Keep trying, van, and I'll keep shooting you down.
I'm well aware of tofu, but the Chinese have culled 250 million pigs due to African Swine Fever, not swine flu, and that has put a big dent in their importing soybeans. And Brazil and Argentina combined grow more soybeans than the U.S. now, and quite a bit of corn. If you followed commodities you'd see the weekly reports on what countries are exporting, and what countries are importing. The U.S. farmers are efficient? The USDA is flat out lying about the size and quality of the corn and soybean crops to keep prices low for end users. If you want to criticize Trump then go after his administration for that. And you do realize the U.S. makes more than just cars? We're the top country for medical equipment, computer chips, and a myriad other things. We send car parts to Mexico for our factories there. I doubt we'd ever get on par with China with what we export to them vs what they export to us but Trump is trying to get us a better deal, including buying a set amount of our ag products. It's only right because they are coming out way ahead on everything else.


nowhere special