President Trump


Well-Known Member
As the holiday is coming to a close he doesn't have many free days left. Hopefully he is enjoying them with his girlfriend, I mean daughter.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
These last few posts are reminiscent of the first time Trump won.

Keep it up as it looks like history is about to repeat itself.

Who knows, maybe Hillary will run again to make it like a deja Vu experience. :lol:

#nevertrumpers and their constant TDS.


Well-Known Member


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Democrats could take the Trump Administration to court over it, right? But they've gotta get this done quickly. Election year coming up.
they cant impeach for obstruction of congress while his aides are still going through the court process, it kind of makes mince meat of the courts, but the dems will