President Trump


Nine Lives
How in the world does remembering the USS Liberty revolve around me?

50 years today (or yesterday, depending on time zone).
I said I confused the Liberty incident with the Cole incident and you replied, "Why? I wasn't being obtuse." indicating you were the reason for me not getting the Liberty date correctly.
You should be able to figure it out now unless you are too self-centered.


Well-Known Member
I said I confused the Liberty incident with the Cole incident and you replied, "Why? I wasn't being obtuse." indicating you were the reason for me not getting the Liberty date correctly.
You should be able to figure it out now unless you are too self-centered.
I apologize.

I don't see how the two could be confused. Google before you reply, if you are unsure.

Today was the 50th anniversary. The Isreali's repeatedly strafed and torpedoed a ship flying our Flag. The flag on display today, bullet ridden.


Nine Lives
I apologize.

I don't see how the two could be confused. Google before you reply, if you are unsure.

Today was the 50th anniversary. The Isreali's repeatedly strafed and torpedoed a ship flying our Flag. The flag on display today, bullet ridden.
I have short-term memory issues so I usually do Google ... the Cole bombing popped into my mind so I went with that. Just another reason not to trust my memory.
Thanks for being considerate.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
Obama blame bush for 8 years, seems trump should get more then a couple of months.


Nine Lives
For what?
I don't remember exactly, it was during a Trump story so I was listening only while I was on PC.
I caught Obama's voice and turned around and started paying attention.
Pretty sure it had something to do with "improved relations with European partners during his Presidency".
I think it was while Obama was in Europe to accept an award and I did recognize Merkel.
Trump was there at the same time ... I do remember that because Obama was treated like Royalty and Trump was treated like he deserved, which was what the particular Pundit Skit was about.

I tried Google but couldn't come up with exact quote but I found this video of the speech.
It's 45 minutes so feel free to listen.


Well-Known Member
I googled AngelDust and it is PCP or Phencyclidine.

Looks like it's usage as a recreational drug and in clinical use has declined precipitously.
Apparently it was was replaced by ketamine or 'K' as it is called on the streets.
'K', I have heard of and some of my festy friends use it at concerts ... I have not and don't plan to.

When I was in high school we had a kid OD in school on PCP/Angel Dust. It was quite scary to watch his reaction to the drug.