President Trump


Well-Known Member
That’s it? All accusations? Zero truth? The Russians couldn’t possibly be acting in Trumps favor?
What exactly are they doing that you are privy to? Trump actually did give the Ukrainians weapons to defend themselves. Obama didn't. Trump put a heck of a lot more sanctions on them than Obama did. Obama literally was caught on video colluding with the Russians. And yet y'all have pushed this BS narrative in spite of a long investigation clearing Trump of collusion. To quote a total nutjob: "at this point what difference does it make?"


Staff member
What exactly are they doing that you are privy to? Trump actually did give the Ukrainians weapons to defend themselves. Obama didn't. Trump put a heck of a lot more sanctions on them than Obama did. Obama literally was caught on video colluding with the Russians. And yet y'all have pushed this BS narrative in spite of a long investigation clearing Trump of collusion. To quote a total nutjob: "at this point what difference does it make?"
You’ve bought into the “total exoneration” nonsense. You KNOW better, but hey, he’s on YOUR team. I get it.


Staff member
Sure when you can prove it instead of a narrative created to take out a sitting president.
You’ll never accept proof. Stop acting like you’re “fair and balanced”. You’re as impartial as Moscow Mitch and the rest of the enabling Senate. You heard them afterwards. They knew they’d been played.


Well-Known Member
You’ve bought into the “total exoneration” nonsense. You KNOW better, but hey, he’s on YOUR team. I get it.
On the matter of Russian collusion or Ukrainian strong arming absolutely nothing was proven while at the same time your side absolutely refused to address felonies and corruption committed by your politicians. So excuse me if I think your accusations are a load of bull.


Well-Known Member
You’ll never accept proof. Stop acting like you’re “fair and balanced”. You’re as impartial as Moscow Mitch and the rest of the enabling Senate. You heard them afterwards. They knew they’d been played.
What is fair about anything you say? You have made it clear that you think every accusation your side has conjured up is gospel truth. Your party is corrupt, uses minorities to enrich themselves, and whore themselves to any group who'll vote for them.


Staff member
What is fair about anything you say? You have made it clear that you think every accusation your side has conjured up is gospel truth. Your party is corrupt, uses minorities to enrich themselves, and whore themselves to any group who'll vote for them.
What is fair about what I say? If the intelligence community says that the Russians worked to help Trump get elected in 2016 and are doing so again in 2020, I’d say we should be concerned about that.


Well-Known Member
What is fair about what I say? If the intelligence community says that the Russians worked to help Trump get elected in 2016 and are doing so again in 2020, I’d say we should be concerned about that.
If it's Clapper and Brennan saying that consider the source. And what exactly are the Russians doing? Obama actually used our taxpayer money to try and unseat Netanyahu in Israel. That's direct meddling in a foreign country's election. What have the Russians done?


Strength through joy
Bringing up the old story of Trump & Russia really shows that the demorats finally are admitting that they know they will not win in 2020.
They have to divert everyone's attention away from their failed election.
How many more millions and investigations will they demand to waste following a known false story.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Bringing up the old story of Trump & Russia really shows that the demorats finally are admitting that they know they will not win in 2020.
They have to divert everyone's attention away from their failed election.
How many more millions and investigations will they demand to waste following a known false story.
Does make you wonder if they are getting very desperate.