President Trump


Well-Known Member
Really???? You're an idiot!!

Fareed Zakaria


If you're in NYC, go see Julius Caesar, free in Central Park, brilliantly interpreted for Trump era. A masterpiece:
Today Trump did the opening act of King Lear.


Inordinately Right
The polls don't predict victory, the people who analyze them do.
The poll numbers were fairly accurate.
Thanks for playing, I love an easy win.

Geez ... that was lame but creative ... not to mention illogical.

The polls were correct on a National Level (if you include illegal aliens) which technically means they were correct.
The polls do not reflect the Electoral Vote which means they were misleading, off-topic and eventually wrong.
So you tell me I'm lame, illogical, and wrong. Then proceed to make my point for me. Smh are you high?


Nine Lives
Personally, I hope Trump does fire him because that would most likely lead to Trump's resignation or impeachment.

I think all this 'questioning' of Mueller's objectivity is to ensure he is objective in his assignment.
These "special prosecutors and counsels" are not known for being objective.

It also sets the table to question the outcome of Mueller's findings.

It's just another political game ... although entertaining.

My interest in all this political wrangling is starting to wane but fiirng Mueller ... that would make it exciting again.