President Trump


Staff member
this is a pretty big story:

"Trump, meanwhile, has accrued among his 30 million Twitter followers — 15 million of which are actually bots that experts have told the Daily News could be “weaponized” to spread fake and misleading news stories that favor the White House or distract from the scandals it now faces."

The billionaire GOP patron behind Trump's social media bot army
And that takes his actual approval rating to 22%.


Nine Lives
this is a pretty big story:

"Trump, meanwhile, has accrued among his 30 million Twitter followers — 15 million of which are actually bots that experts have told the Daily News could be “weaponized” to spread fake and misleading news stories that favor the White House or distract from the scandals it now faces."

The billionaire GOP patron behind Trump's social media bot army
And what's the big news?
People been using bots and spiders for years.


Well-Known Member
from the intercepted:

Jeremy Scahill:
Do you believe that Trump makes it through a full term as president?

J. Stein: His days are numbered.

JS: Okay. So, his days are numbered for what reason?

J. Stein: Because daylight is now being shined on him. What we know is his massive liability are these 500 businesses that he has around the world, and these entanglements. And these entanglements are already coming back to bite him. His appointment, for example, of Wilbur Ross to Commerce, who’s a part of this bank in Cypress that launders Russian money, that includes among its principals the guy that bought Trump’s house at twice the cost that Trump had paid for it just a few years before. There’s some very funny stuff going on here. Funny rotten stinkin’ stuff related to Russian money laundering, Russian gangsters, who knows what? But there’s no way Trump is gonna be able to keep this secret. And his efforts to suppress and to interfere with an FBI investigation, which he admitted was his reason for firing Comey — there’s no way he’s gonna be able to stop this investigation from going forward. He could well quit, but I think he will be forced to quit by daylight that is being shined on him. If he quits, put it this way, he’s gonna leave the presidency under the weight of his own massive corruption.

Impeachment is necessary, but it may not get to that, because he’s gonna become such a liability to the Republicans in the House seeking reelection that they’re gonna start flipping. I mean people are lawyering up all over the place right now. And I think his support in Congress is gonna diminish, and the American people are going to be very outraged. The people of South Korea recently impeached their president for corruption that I think looks like peanuts, peanuts if even compared to what we’re looking at with Donald Trump. So, I think there is a realistic possibility of impeachment based on corruption. Impeachment is necessary, but it’s not sufficient. We need a peaceful revolution at the ballot box.


Nine Lives
those super accurate polls predicted his presidential victory. not
The polls were correct on a National Level (if you include illegal aliens) which technically means they were correct.
The polls do not reflect the Electoral Vote which means they were misleading, off-topic and eventually wrong.
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Nine Lives


golden ticket member
Really???? You're an idiot!!

Fareed Zakaria


If you're in NYC, go see Julius Caesar, free in Central Park, brilliantly interpreted for Trump era. A masterpiece:


Staff member

Lol. This sounds like a Saddam Hussein cabinet meeting!

I seriously can't believe these schmucks want their crap-ass jobs this badly!