President Trump


Engorged Member
They have no proposal.
They want the economy to collapse.

Sorry, but you're lying. They DO have a proposal, and it's much more employee-friendly than the GOP Senate Bill. Much more generous unemployment pay for one. The rest of the details aren't clear.

What is clear is that Republicans are the party of the wealthy and Big Business. Democrats are more helpful to the working man and Joe Average.

Take your medicine, look at the information out there, and defend your oppressors as usual.

El Correcto

god is dead
Sorry, but you're lying. They DO have a proposal, and it's much more employee-friendly than the GOP Senate Bill. Much more generous unemployment pay for one. The rest of the details aren't clear.

What is clear is that Republicans are the party of the wealthy and Big Business. Democrats are more helpful to the working man and Joe Average.

Take your medicine, look at the information out there, and defend your oppressors as usual.
Yeah we know, they want everyone to be a ward of the state for the next 10 years and for the private markets to fail.


Engorged Member
Why don't the unemployed go pick lettuce or work on a dairy farm? Farmers are scrambling for help now.

When you lose your job, head straight for the farm, OK? Let's see, when does lettuce get harvested? Oh, not in the early Spring. Yep, there's a bumper crop in Minnesota right now.


Bad Moon Risen'
Dems want to spend the same amount a different way
We can't afford what either side wants to spend.

My son was in grad school in 2018 and worked as a teaching assistant. With his 2018 income he would qualify for the $1200 stimulus check. He is now graduated and will make over $100,000 this year. Why the hell would he be eligible for the handout?