President Trump

El Correcto

god is dead
"When you don't allow political posts, it's harder for misinformation to spread," said Doherty, who moderates the forum at night and during his lunch break. "I'd rather have policy discussion and talk about new cases and containment measures."

That hasn't stopped people from trying to turn the community into a "Twitter fight," Barber said, referring to "folks who are habituated to using the internet to be hyper-tribal on the left and right."
1.2 million subscribers: How Reddit's coronavirus community became a destination

I checked it out, it’s moderated by leftists and that horsefaced chick in on their top posts saying we need to get everyone welfare right now.


Well-Known Member

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Trump hints at dramatic rescue of American woman held and tortured abroad - Andrew Naughtie,The Independent
Mr Trump has a longstanding affection for generals going back at least to his 2016 campaign. Speaking in 2019, he described a meeting at the Pentagon where he met “lots of generals. They were like from a movie. Better-looking than Tom Cruise, and stronger.”

He appointed General Jim Mattis as his first secretary of defence, General John Kelly as his second chief of staff, and the now-disgraced General Mike Flynn as his National Security Adviser, to be succeeded by General H.R. McMaster. All four men have now left his administration.

In case you had any doubt that Yahoo, via The Independent, is not a member of the FAKE NEWS group.

The rest of the article is good news content but they couldn't resist taking a swipe at Trump via Flynn.
None of the last paragraph was relevant and just a hit piece added, probably by the editor to appease the LibTurds.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
In case you had any doubt that Yahoo, via The Independent, is not a member of the FAKE NEWS group.

The rest of the article is good news content but they couldn't resist taking a swipe at Trump via Flynn.
None of the last paragraph was relevant and just a hit piece added, probably by the editor to appease the LibTurds.
Stating facts is a hit piece. Talk about TDS.

El Correcto

god is dead
I think at some point there's going to be a broad realization that an economic depression could kill more people than keeping older folks at home and letting younger folks go for herd immunity.
I’ve been saying this since this bs started.

You can’t shut down the world economy for something with such a low death rate. This isn’t like bird flu went airborne and human to human transmission. We aren’t dealing with even a 10% death rate.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Gee, that’s too bad.
Thoughts and prayers boomers.

It's going to be a tough call that has to be made at some point.

I think at some point there's going to be a broad realization that an economic depression could kill more people than keeping older folks at home and letting younger folks go for herd immunity.
Wow. I didn’t think killing grandma had such broad appeal to right wingers.