President Trump


Well-Known Member
Banana republic stuff. The guy entered a guilty plea. Barr is a national disgrace.
Flynn was coerced, railroaded. Text messages and internal memos came out this week verifying that. I can hear you now complaining when indictments come down against Comey et al that they were just doing their job. It's ok to hammer Republicans, but not Democrats in your view.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Flynn was coerced, railroaded. Text messages and internal memos came out this week verifying that. I can hear you now complaining when indictments come down against Comey et al that they were just doing their job. It's ok to hammer Republicans, but not Democrats in your view.
Flynn admitted guilt in court. Barr dropped the charges because he’s a political hack.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Flynn was coerced, railroaded. Text messages and internal memos came out this week verifying that. I can hear you now complaining when indictments come down against Comey et al that they were just doing their job. It's ok to hammer Republicans, but not Democrats in your view.
You do not coerce a three star general to do anything. trump railroaded him because he was a Democrat.


Well-Known Member
You do not coerce a three star general to do anything. trump railroaded him because he was a Democrat.
Obama fired him after he publicly disagreed about Al-Qaeda being on the run. He was interviewed by the FBI before Trump took office. Text messages just released showed Strzok asking if the goal was to get him to lie so they could prosecute him or get him fired. You need to read about what's currently going on.


Well-Known Member
Trump's failure as president will cost the lives of over 100,000 Americans and he has destroyed the economy as well. Very sad. I truly wish trump wasn't as incompetent and unfit to be president as he has proven to be.


Well-Known Member
To see the so call law and order republican party support this lawless president isn't surprising, but it is very dangerous for trying to reign in political corruption in the future.

I think the election of President Obama put a lot of republicans/white Americans in a fearful and very negative mind state about America's future. I think Obama's election was a signal to a lot of them that America has no future with "those people" in power.


Well-Known Member
To see the so call law and order republican party support this lawless president isn't surprising, but it is very dangerous for trying to reign in political corruption in the future.

I think the election of President Obama put a lot of republicans/white Americans in a fearful and very negative mind state about America's future. I think Obama's election was a signal to a lot of them that America has no future with "those people" in power.

You should be focused on Obama's policies instead of his racial makeup. Being a person of color doesn't exempt one from being criticized for decisions made, nor does it make the critic racist. If people of color are working under different rules then we've failed in our efforts to make everyone equal.


Well-Known Member
You should be focused on Obama's policies instead of his racial makeup. Being a person of color doesn't exempt one from being criticized for decisions made, nor does it make the critic racist. If people of color are working under different rules then we've failed in our efforts to make everyone equal.
Lol, every president should be criticized, but come on man, the stuff republicans pretended to criticize Obama about were almost all fantasy nonsense that was just a cover for the realization that Obama is black and they don't believe a black person should be president. And that an American run by "those people" is an America with no future. That's all there is to it.


Inordinately Right
Lol, every president should be criticized, but come on man, the stuff republicans pretended to criticize Obama about were almost all fantasy nonsense that was just a cover for the realization that Obama is black and they don't believe a black person should be president. And that an American run by "those people" is an America with no future. That's all there is to it.
You ever get tired of carrying around that chip on your shoulder?


Well-Known Member
Lol, every president should be criticized, but come on man, the stuff republicans pretended to criticize Obama about were almost all fantasy nonsense that was just a cover for the realization that Obama is black and they don't believe a black person should be president. And that an American run by "those people" is an America with no future. That's all there is to it.
Actually I can think of a number of black Republicans who I would gladly vote for president. I don't care what their color is. Their policies affect my life, not their color.


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