Yes. FDR was elected during a horrible time, after WW1 during the Great Depression with Europe radicalizing and the american people wanting nothing to do with another world war. It was a time when fascism and communism(the most extreme forms of authoritarian government) were really hitting their stride and influencing governments around the world.
FDR is the god father of the modern day military industrial complex, he undermined the checks and balances placed on the executive branch, he took America’s federal government down a more authoritarian pathway influenced heavily by the politics if the era around the world.
I don’t like FDR for that reason alone; I don’t like communism, I don’t like fascism, I don’t like the governments of the 30’s and 40’s. I like limited small government, there to ensure your individual rights are not trampled. Not authoritarian garbage masquerading around as patriotism and altruism.