President Trump


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with the modern day socialist people who really want to do good and help people. The power you grant that kind of government is problem I have. It is short sighted trying to address the problems of the day, not addressing fundamental truths of man and prioritizing individual rights for its citizens.

Even if you found the most benevolent dictator imaginable to over see absolute power given to government to enact the will of the people, that guy isn’t going to be around forever. How long will it take for that system to fail? America has the oldest constitution in the world.
yea im weary of centralized power too. but hte right wing hasnt made that connection with the economy and im talking about centralized private power. they think only centralized power exists if its govt. at least they are half right. and even saying that im not sure where my guys stand on regulations.

El Correcto

god is dead
yea im weary of centralized power too. but hte right wing hasnt made that connection with the economy and im talking about centralized private power. they think only centralized power exists if its govt. at least they are half right. and even saying that im not sure where my guys stand on regulations.
If I were to go towards a utopian vision of the world, it would be one Milton describes. Not a socialist one.


Well-Known Member
It just gives me pleasure to throw your chart right back at you. Israel per capita took the most aid. America has been funding Israel for 80 years! End it today! America First.
Um, Israel didn't exist in 1940. We give them aid because they are completely surrounded by countries that want to do them in. Looks like we have had a breakthrough, which you of course can't stand. You know why those countries are pursuing peace? Because they realize Israel isn't a threat to their existence but Iran is. Who did Obama and Kerry empower to eventually have the bomb? Iran. Way to go Democrats!


Well-Known Member
If I were to go towards a utopian vision of the world, it would be one Milton describes. Not a socialist one.
i dont htink friedman was a very good economist and hte only reason he was so popular was because he said absurd things. i have a quote about people who get promoted because they say and do abusdities in my anti capitalism thread.

El Correcto

god is dead
im gonna look up what my guys say about FDR
Don’t only do that. Go watch some documentaries starting with the Russo-Japanese war, WW1, Bolshevik Revolution, Rise of Fascism in Italy, Nazi germany, Stalin’s reign of terror, the Great Depression, FDR’s new deal, WW2.

The era is packed with tons, more than what some very biased people will tell you. There is a lot of context to everything that happens going back even further to imperialism, the meiji restoration, etc. It’s interesting stuff if you like to learn about history, well documented as well. There’s a lot to hate about the west and white people thrown in there as well, I’m sure you’ll love it.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Don’t only do that. Go watch some documentaries starting with the Russo-Japanese war, WW1, Bolshevik Revolution, Rise of Fascism in Italy, Nazi germany, Stalin’s reign of terror, the Great Depression, FDR’s new deal, WW2.

The era is packed with tons, more than what some very biased people will tell you. There is a lot of context to everything that happens going back even further to imperialism, the meiji restoration, etc. It’s interesting stuff if you like to learn about history, well documented as well. There’s a lot to hate about the west and white people thrown in there as well, I’m sure you’ll love it.
i dont have that kind of time. i dont trust documentarians as well just like i dont trust media or journalists. theres no such thing as objectivity. i just downloaded a sex pistols movie im gonna watch, apparently the lead singer says its not honest. i heard some bad ones about vietnam and FDR's wife on PBS.

El Correcto

god is dead
i dont have that kind of time. i dont trust documentarians as well just like i dont trust media or journalists. theres no such thing as objectivity. i just downloaded a sex pistols movie im gonna watch, apparently the lead singer says its not honest. i heard some bad ones about vietnam and FDR's wife on PBS.
I hope not everyone is like this.
I don’t have time to learn about stuff, I’d rather just base my political opinions off of tweets.


I'm a star
Um, Israel didn't exist in 1940. We give them aid because they are completely surrounded by countries that want to do them in. Looks like we have had a breakthrough, which you of course can't stand. You know why those countries are pursuing peace? Because they realize Israel isn't a threat to their existence but Iran is. Who did Obama and Kerry empower to eventually have the bomb? Iran. Way to go Democrats!
Give me a break. Israel has been around since 1948. Thats 72 years ago, close enough to 80. Put America First! Stop funding the welfare country of Israel!
I hope not everyone is like this.
I don’t have time to learn about stuff, I’d rather just base my political opinions off of tweets.
And no one uses Twitter more than the dope in the WH. That’s where all Trumpies get their news, from Trumps tweets. Trump was a reality TV star and right wingers fell in love with his show. Just like Trump and the Kardashians are reality TV buddies.