President Trump


Well-Known Member
Another Q Anon conspiracy theory? Please inform America what it means to be a true Republican. Or trump supporter. Never disagree with the Dear Leader?

Reagan/ trump. cut out the bitches in between. Guys like flake have been sucking DNC dick for years they just didnt realize it because they never had any real vagina.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Reagan/ trump. cut out the bitches in between. Guys like flake have been sucking DNC dick for years they just didnt realize it because they never had any real vagina.
You are comparing trump to President Reagan? The President that ended the cold war with the defeat of the Soviet Union to a Putin collaborator? Now we know you trump supporters have lost all sense of reality. I suppose General Collin Powell is really a socialist and not a patriot. And Q Anon is reality.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You are comparing trump to President Reagan? The President that ended the cold war with the defeat of the Soviet Union to a Putin collaborator? Now we know you trump supporters have lost all sense of reality. I suppose General Collin Powell is really a socialist and not a patriot. And Q Anon is reality.
You must be too young to remember the Reagan Years!
There were a lot of dumb - assed Pieces Of S:censored2:t that denigrated Reagan ...
just like the dumb - assed Pieces Of S:censored2:t that denigrate Trump today!​


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I though she was very effective...Considering the counterattacks by the left they must of thought so too...

Remember @fishtm2001 they are requesting donations to their cause...So be generous....


Well-Known Member
"Haley also brought in the phrase “cancel culture," saying that Trump "knows that political correctness and 'cancel culture' are dangerous and just plain wrong.” This observation ignores some of Trump’s own rhetoric: He recently called for a boycott of Goodyear Tire, and has launched similar broadsides against Apple, General Motors and Macy’s, to name a few corporate targets. He also has gone after celebrities who criticize him and called for countless television and print journalists to lose their jobs. "


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