President Trump


Well-Known Member
But is a Paraguayan a Murican, is the question?
Take Argentineans. Socialist in nature, very strong labor unions. When they shut down they made businesses still pay worker salaries. Until the business no longer could and went out of business. The country is screwed economically, but they approach things from a way I bet you would like. So you decide if they're "Murican."

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You need to do your homework. Anyone born on the North American or South American continents are not all US Citizens. Canada is in N. America continent, theyre Canadians, not Americans. Brazil is in the South American continent, theyre not Americans. The Confederate states left the Union, therefore during the war they weren’t Americans. They beg to comeback.
Seriously, you were a home-schooled orphan, weren't you??!!

The big package

Well-Known Member
You need to do your homework. Anyone born on the North American or South American continents are not all US Citizens. Canada is in N. America continent, theyre Canadians, not Americans. Brazil is in the South American continent, theyre not Americans. The Confederate states left the Union, therefore during the war they weren’t Americans. They beg to comeback.
Wait I'm confused with the last sentence . I thought America was a terrible place , that's what the liberals say , why would they want to come back ????


Well-Known Member

great win for trump. Trumps protecting jobs in america by blocking immigration temporarily while the jobless rate is up. this block will only create more outrage against our liberal court system. Sometime all you have to do is load the gun and then sit back and watch the snowflakes shoot theirselves with it.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
RNC announced there is no official party platform this year. Their only guiding principle is do whatever Trump says. Pathetic.


The big package

Well-Known Member
Mister I'm campaigning for , do everything the scientists tell you to do Biden , Hasn't even been tested for Covid . He's around all his campaign people and has yet to get tested , what an idiot !!! And this man wants to run the country !!!!

The big package

Well-Known Member
It’s literally a document stating the party is now officially a cult of personality that worships Trump. The Grand Old Party has fallen off a cliff.
Fallen off a cliff???? Have you looked at the Democratic party lately??? They are in shambles they've been split in two . You've got the psychos on the far left that want to totally changed the country in to socialism and you've got the old school Democrats who are looking at them like their nuts !!!