Revisionist History . What did you want him to do ? Shut down the country in January,February,Early March? He would have been impeached on the spot,removed from office for being a nut job. Least you forget your Dem leaders Pelosi and DiBlasio were saying come on down to Chinatown and party for the Chinese New Year (Jan 25th).Biden accused Trump of xenophobia for his Jan. 31st travel ban of China.Democratic Governors Cumo,Wolf,and Murphy cause the deaths of many many seniors because of their stupid nursing home policies. The anointed saint of viruology Dr. Fauci initially said the masks were not necessary. But let's overlook all that and crucify Trump for trying to keep the country and it's citizens positive.
The only thing that got out of control was the long shutdown after we were only trying to flatten the curve.The civil unrest you speak of, if it is due to economic harm lays at the feet of the Democratic leadership who are hell bend on keeping the economy shut down to hurt Trump at the expense of the constituents.
What is the competent government you speak of, a new leader that has spend 49 years in office that has done nothing but enrich himself and his family?