President Trump


Well-Known Member
If biden took that test his run would be over when the results came out.
“In another sense, I tested positively toward negative, right? So no. I tested perfectly this morning, meaning I tested negative. But that's a way of saying it. Positively toward the negative.”


Inordinately Right
"Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? It sounds interesting to me, so we'll see."


Well-Known Member
"Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? It sounds interesting to me, so we'll see."

the beauty of the trump quote is taking a snippet out of context. The entire quote is the question whether science could come up with an internal cleansing process in that context bleach and ultra violet light was mentioned but not in the context of injecting bleach.

from Politifact :

The briefing transcript shows that Trump did not say people should inject themselves with bleach or alcohol to treat the coronavirus. He was asking officials on the White House coronavirus task force whether they could be used in potential cures.