There is four major reasons why I believe the president Trump will be a re-elected . 1. The second amendment , the right to bear arms .It has been estimated we have 390 million guns in this country over a hundred million people is estimated to have a firearm . Most people own firearm for protection and this year alone it is estimated that there is between five and six million new gun owners !!! 2. The economy, over 100 million people in this country have some form of money tied to the stock market and it is quite obvious to the people ( according to all polls )that Donald Trump knows what he's doing when it comes to the economy and everything Joe Biden has talked about doing with the economy would do damage to the economy and the stock market !!! 3. Law & order , this is kind of tied to gun ownership people are very concerned about crime these days and rightfully so .I see signs everywhere people backing the police and if you back the police you're going to back the president and if we're going to have a country of safety you have to have a police department !!! 4. The minority vote , I believe the president is going to get a lot more Hispanic and black vote this year, more than he did 4 years ago .The polling shows very strong in the Hispanic community for the president mostly because they are conservative people but also they are very much about law and order and the black community is starting to see the rhetoric that's going on especially in their inner cities with the bashing of police and the crime going up big time in their neighborhoods !!!