President Trump


I'm a star
That doesn’t explain why America did so much worse than the rest of the world. Other countries have done a much better job than we have both in terms of containment and economic fallout. We should have done a better job.

You can frame things however you want to support your opinion. If I were to stipulate your opinions, I would say it was the Governors trying to play politics with people's lives and livelihoods to spite Trump and his supporters that are mostly responsible for the things you believe we are the worst at. Perhaps if we had an establishment president, politics wouldn't have been a factor, but we'll probably disagree about whose to blame for that.


Well-Known Member
Disagree. Our current plan of half assed measures is the worst of all worlds. The virus in not contained, people are afraid to go out regardless of local lockdown measures. Bars and restaurants are going under left and right. It going to get worse. America’s failure to contain the virus is the reason for the economic collapse and will be its biggest hindrance to recovery.
Amazing how full our mall parking lot is in Overland Park. People are in restaurants here too. I just drove from North Dakota to Michigan then back to Kansas. Plenty of people out everywhere. Seems the Dem plan to scare everyone into submission isn't working.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Amazing how full our mall parking lot is in Overland Park. People are in restaurants here too. I just drove from North Dakota to Michigan then back to Kansas. Plenty of people out everywhere. Seems the Dem plan to scare everyone into submission isn't working.
I went to a Chik-Fil-A yesterday in Atlanta ... it was closed!


Well-Known Member
They've all done a pretty good job of containing the truth.

America uses its free speech to create mass propaganda and lie to the American people so much that is surpasses what you would imagine in fiction. For instance do you think 50% of claims being lies on some news stations would be too much? Well some news stations have far higher than 50%.


Well-Known Member
I declared myself aligned with the democratic party up until recently, when I realized just how insane they truly are. Now, I realize what a joke politics are for the most part. But I have to wonder why they hate trump SO much...perhaps he is taking down a certain faction of the corrupt establishment....or he's part of it as well and it's all a show. The left vs. right paradigm is probably just an illusion to keep us bickering like dummies.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
America uses its free speech to create mass propaganda and lie to the American people so much that is surpasses what you would imagine in fiction. For instance do you think 50% of claims being lies on some news stations would be too much? Well some news stations have far higher than 50%.
Canada uses its ice and snow to numb the brains of her citizens. They end up believing they have a say in U.S.A. affairs.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You can frame things however you want to support your opinion. If I were to stipulate your opinions, I would say it was the Governors trying to play politics with people's lives and livelihoods to spite Trump and his supporters that are mostly responsible for the things you believe we are the worst at. Perhaps if we had an establishment president, politics wouldn't have been a factor, but we'll probably disagree about whose to blame for that.
Normally your incorrect theories at least border on reasonable and thought out. You are swinging wildly at this one. Now you’ve landed at every Governor in the country intentionally did a bad job at containing the virus to spite Trump. That’s bananas.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Amazing how full our mall parking lot is in Overland Park. People are in restaurants here too. I just drove from North Dakota to Michigan then back to Kansas. Plenty of people out everywhere. Seems the Dem plan to scare everyone into submission isn't working.
Number of cars in the parking lot you live in is not a reliable indicator of overall economic health.


Well-Known Member
Normally your incorrect theories at least border on reasonable and thought out. You are swinging wildly at this one. Now you’ve landed at every Governor in the country intentionally did a bad job at containing the virus to spite Trump. That’s bananas.
Primarily Democrats. You had the mayor of Nashville holding back data that showed very few infections were happening in bars and restaurants. The governor of Michigan was putting all kinds of rules in place that didn't make sense, then it was found out her husband was ignoring them, doing as he pleased. Nancy Pelosi was very adamant about wearing masks then was called out for not wearing one. Seems the ruling class thinks the rules don't apply to them. People notice, and are less likely to comply if the leadership doesn't comply. And the Democrat leadership is quick to blame Trump for everything, but within their own state or city it's their doing, not his.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Primarily Democrats. You had the mayor of Nashville holding back data that showed very few infections were happening in bars and restaurants. The governor of Michigan was putting all kinds of rules in place that didn't make sense, then it was found out her husband was ignoring them, doing as he pleased. Nancy Pelosi was very adamant about wearing masks then was called out for not wearing one. Seems the ruling class thinks the rules don't apply to them. People notice, and are less likely to comply if the leadership doesn't comply. And the Democrat leadership is quick to blame Trump for everything, but within their own state or city it's their doing, not his.
Republican Governors have not done a better job at containing the virus.