President Trump


Strength through joy
Last week , the Biden campaign sent the ho's husband to NH to rally the troops.
Many are still asking " who was that guy? "
Unlike Trump's campaign's, where they sent it the main event.


I'm a star
I don’t think testing and contact tracing is totalitarian. I don’t believe South Korea is an authoritarian state. They’ve keep the virus contained and will likely have a vaccine deployed next year like the rest of the world. A year of paying attention and testing isn’t much to ask of a free society to keep the population healthy. You only want to focus on widespread lockdowns while ignoring the early policy failures that led to them. Basic government competence early on would have saved lives and the economy.

When did Republicans become the crybaby party? Everything is just too hard for them. It’s sad.

It's not exactly honest to compare two different countries of widely varying factors in geography, culture, population density, weather patterns, and demographics, among others. I don't think it was being a crybaby to express discontent with locking down for two weeks, then being told it was only two weeks, and here we are months later and we're still in varying degrees of lock down. It's also not being a crybaby to point out that the harsher measures didn't do anything, and the current measures aren't doing anything. It's fair to point out that blaming the ineffectiveness of lock downs on people not behaving properly is just government officials deflecting from their own failed policies.

I might also point out that federal money is granted to states that declare emergencies. My state has never reached numbers that constitute an emergency, but they keep reframing the stats to try and qualify to keep getting that federal money. Do other countries incentivize padding stats by paying out big bucks?

Deaths are way down, hospitalizations were never the big deal they were supposed to be, statistically speaking. But when the stats don't scare enough people, the conversation is redirected to the emotional argument that one death is too many. If we actually took that position on everything government would screech to a halt, because everything Is too risky. You can't stop everything because that will kill people, and you can't allow anything because that will kill people. The perspective on this pandemic is way out of whack with reality. I'm sorry that people died, but to say government action might have prevented deaths in this case is to deny all levels of reality.

This idea that the left has that they know what's best for everyone is the real killer. There are plenty of elderly people, the ones who are at the greatest risk, who would rather risk their own lives than be held captive just because some leftist thinks it's what's best.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It's not exactly honest to compare two different countries of widely varying factors in geography, culture, population density, weather patterns, and demographics, among others. I don't think it was being a crybaby to express discontent with locking down for two weeks, then being told it was only two weeks, and here we are months later and we're still in varying degrees of lock down. It's also not being a crybaby to point out that the harsher measures didn't do anything, and the current measures aren't doing anything. It's fair to point out that blaming the ineffectiveness of lock downs on people not behaving properly is just government officials deflecting from their own failed policies.

I might also point out that federal money is granted to states that declare emergencies. My state has never reached numbers that constitute an emergency, but they keep reframing the stats to try and qualify to keep getting that federal money. Do other countries incentivize padding stats by paying out big bucks?

Deaths are way down, hospitalizations were never the big deal they were supposed to be, statistically speaking. But when the stats don't scare enough people, the conversation is redirected to the emotional argument that one death is too many. If we actually took that position on everything government would screech to a halt, because everything Is too risky. You can't stop everything because that will kill people, and you can't allow anything because that will kill people. The perspective on this pandemic is way out of whack with reality. I'm sorry that people died, but to say government action might have prevented deaths in this case is to deny all levels of reality.

This idea that the left has that they know what's best for everyone is the real killer. There are plenty of elderly people, the ones who are at the greatest risk, who would rather risk their own lives than be held captive just because some leftist thinks it's what's best.
More laser focus on the widespread lockdowns. At least you’re consistent.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Will the virus just disappear or deaths stop if biden wins
The virus will end but the amount of deaths will certainly increase to an unknown number because if Biden wins that means they stole the election.
Just in the county I live in, there would be enough guns, trucks, and * off boys to win the revolution .

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
The virus will end but the amount of deaths will certainly increase to an unknown number because if Biden wins that means they stole the election.
Just in the county I live in, there would be enough guns, trucks, and * off boys to win the revolution .
Our military has over 10 years of experience fighting insurgents in Iraq and elsewhere. A few treasonous hill billys would not be much of a challenge.


I'm a star
The countries that have done a decent job up till now did it with a competent government response. South Korea has a high population density. They were able to test and trace cases so it didn’t spread uncontrolled. Our government pretended there was no issue and it would go away magically. They let the cat out of the bag and now you’re claiming there was nothing they could have possibly done better. It’s absurd, there’s plenty of evidence that the virus could have been been contained. We can’t at this point because the time window to do so closed.

The right’s motto is, “Government is incompetent, elect us and we’ll prove it.”

I guess what I should spend a little more effort pointing out is that you can't compare different countries with widely different circumstances and say that government response is the only thing that is different. I don't know that government response was all that different anyway. What will work for one country may not work for others. We have states that are more sparsely populated who were doing just fine with very little government response, until the weather got colder/drier, and cases increased. But their hospitals still aren't overrun, and their death counts aren't out of proportion to other states and countries with more government intervention.

Why so many states went off the deep end with their response? I have my thoughts and opinions on that. But it is probably a combination of several factors. I'm sure many governors thought they were doing the right thing, and wanted to be heroes. Some may have believed the public expected a certain response and felt pressured to act accordingly.

You said you don't think contract tracing and testing is totalitarian. Is that what you believe was all that would have been necessary to "contain" the virus? If so, I know there was criticism that we weren't doing enough testing or tracing early enough, but the speed with which tests were put on the market, it's not unreasonable to assume that many of the early tests weren't reliable, especially since we know that the tests we were using were being conducted at too high a sensitivity, and that most of the positive results should have been negative. I don't know that tracing wasn't being done asequately, but it is certainly something that should have been done at the state level. A centralized tracing bureaucracy in a country as big and populous as ours
would be inefficient at best.

Without incentives for declaring emergencies, and deaths as covid related, I'd bet that our numbers wouldn't have been reported at as high levels as they have been. And I'm sure the media hype wouldn't be as intense if Trump weren't in office.


Bad Moon Risen'
The virus will end but the amount of deaths will certainly increase to an unknown number because if Biden wins that means they stole the election.
Just in the county I live in, there would be enough guns, trucks, and * off boys to win the revolution .
The south tried that once and got crushed. Bring it on again! They'll burn your county to the ground.


I'm a star
"Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

The revolutionaries were traitors to the crown. I don't know what the people in the military were like in your day, but a good many of them were hillbillies when I served. I'm pretty sure they'll know who the real enemies are.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
A few treasonous hill billys
willing to commit treason
Imagine. A liberal lefty talking about treason. lol

If the election is proven to be stolen and Trump refuses to concede (and rightly so), I think England and their trained and sophisticated military lost to a bunch of roughnecks once.

So, you would be alright with Biden as President if you knew the election (those unsolicited mail in ballots) was a fraud?