President Trump


Well-Known Member
For some reason the word millennial confused me. I had to look it up to make sure that I spelled it right. You might do the same; better yet, go back to Romper Room. No need for Google there.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
For some reason the word millennial confused me. I had to look it up to make sure that I spelled it right. You might do the same; better yet, go back to Romper Room. No need for Google there.
it is ok, if you want to run around correcting spelling and other errors, more power to you. Im actually glad you do because i can spell wrong on purpose or accident with you behind me. It is like having my own personal teacher. I like it, i appreciate it and i applaud you. Thank you


Well-Known Member
Was Timothy McVeigh vetted?
Why would he have been, he wasn't a foreign national trying to get into our country? The vast majority of terrorist attacks worldwide are by Muslims sir. Stands to reason that you should be very careful about letting large numbers of them in, especially since you have no way of truly knowing who they are. And if they're coming from Muslim countries, as opposed to Muslims born and raised here, they are coming out of cultures that bear little resemblance to ours. Makes assimilation that much more difficult.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I might be the only person on here you dont bother. I think your an alright person. Little bit of a know it all but thats your personality. All that is ok with me


Well-Known Member
Hillary isn't the president. We aren't in Europe and have different procedures for vetting than they do. How's that review going?
And we're able to properly vet hundreds of thousands coming out of a war zone where records are often destroyed and no one is around to vouch for them? The Europeans couldn't possibly vet the throngs coming ashore in waves. But somehow you think we can?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
And we're able to properly vet hundreds of thousands coming out of a war zone where records are often destroyed and no one is around to vouch for them? The Europeans couldn't possibly vet the throngs coming ashore in waves. But somehow you think we can?
How many attacks have we had in America that were caused by refugees? Gaining entry as a refugee is the most laborious process we have, terrorists trying to gain entry would follow much simpler avenues.


Well-Known Member
We're talking a span of 15 years. 4 of those years appears to have brought in close to 120,000. That leaves 11 years at let's say 8,000 annually. Over 200,000. Hundreds of thousands. You went with specific years, I was talking about plans to bring in hundreds of thousands more than what Obama and others did. That was the stated goal of the Democrat nominee. If she had won would she have followed through? Who knows but there's no way to guarantee the safety of American citizens by bringing in so many so quickly.

200k among a population of 325 million and I should be concerned that smaller faction within that 200k is going to conquer us all? I was never all that great at advanced math but probabilities tell me that your feared outcome is an extreme longshot. Even more so among a population where religion, especially the major organized ones, are in decline and varying forms of secularization or individualized or self revealed religions (forms of Deism, Pantheism or Panentheism for example) are on the rise.

So far I still think the "Muslim Invasion of the Homeland" is a political scare tactic in order for other people to game the system. And as @It will be fine rightly pointed out, this isn't Europe.


Well-Known Member
200k among a population of 325 million and I should be concerned that smaller faction within that 200k is going to conquer us all? I was never all that great at advanced math but probabilities tell me that your feared outcome is an extreme longshot. Even more so among a population where religion, especially the major organized ones, are in decline and varying forms of secularization or individualized or self revealed religions (forms of Deism, Pantheism or Panentheism for example) are on the rise.

So far I still think the "Muslim Invasion of the Homeland" is a political scare tactic in order for other people to game the system. And as @It will be fine rightly pointed out, this isn't Europe.
Always putting things in the extreme to avoid the truth. Who said they were going to conquer the country? We should have a legitimate concern about those slipping in who might commit mass murder. Or do you think that's an ok price to pay to show how accepting we are? This reminds me of the discussion we had the other day about the carbon tax. You said that companies like UPS would be for it to keep competition out. We know for a fact that companies like FedEx and UPS would have to pay huge sums due to their "carbon footprint." But you toss out some hard to fathom argument that they'd actually be for it to keep out competition. Where are these companies looking to invest mega billions in hopes of taking away enough market share to make it worthwhile? The closest to that is Amazon looking to keep their own deliveries in house. But paying out huge sums in a carbon tax will affect a company's ability to give raises, invest in infrastructure, etc. But that's ok, it'll save the world and the big companies really want it anyways(wink wink).


Well-Known Member
Always putting things in the extreme to avoid the truth. Who said they were going to conquer the country? We should have a legitimate concern about those slipping in who might commit mass murder. Or do you think that's an ok price to pay to show how accepting we are? This reminds me of the discussion we had the other day about the carbon tax. You said that companies like UPS would be for it to keep competition out. We know for a fact that companies like FedEx and UPS would have to pay huge sums due to their "carbon footprint." But you toss out some hard to fathom argument that they'd actually be for it to keep out competition. Where are these companies looking to invest mega billions in hopes of taking away enough market share to make it worthwhile? The closest to that is Amazon looking to keep their own deliveries in house. But paying out huge sums in a carbon tax will affect a company's ability to give raises, invest in infrastructure, etc. But that's ok, it'll save the world and the big companies really want it anyways(wink wink).

I figured if you can move the goalpost then I'll beat you to it.


Inordinately Right
For some reason the word millennial confused me. I had to look it up to make sure that I spelled it right. You might do the same; better yet, go back to Romper Room. No need for Google there.
If only we had a dollar for every time an old person complained about millennials..... then maybe we could rebuild the country you guys ran into the freaking ground.


Inordinately Right
Why would he have been, he wasn't a foreign national trying to get into our country? The vast majority of terrorist attacks worldwide are by Muslims sir. Stands to reason that you should be very careful about letting large numbers of them in, especially since you have no way of truly knowing who they are. And if they're coming from Muslim countries, as opposed to Muslims born and raised here, they are coming out of cultures that bear little resemblance to ours. Makes assimilation that much more difficult.
Trump wanted a freeze on immigration to review the vetting process. That was months ago... why have we heard nothing of this review? What has he come up with? Surely after months he's come up with a bigly beautiful yugely great plan.