President Trump


Well-Known Member
Why would he have been, he wasn't a foreign national trying to get into our country? The vast majority of terrorist attacks worldwide are by Muslims sir. Stands to reason that you should be very careful about letting large numbers of them in, especially since you have no way of truly knowing who they are. And if they're coming from Muslim countries, as opposed to Muslims born and raised here, they are coming out of cultures that bear little resemblance to ours. Makes assimilation that much more difficult.
Were the Native Americans vetted?


Well-Known Member
I think he got a bit confused ... it should read:
Did the Native Americans vet the incoming Western Europeans and Iberians?
No confusion there. Pretty sure they were treated as The Outsiders to this land. Remember they were forced to assimilate not the other way around.


Well-Known Member
I think @Indecisi0n attempts to vett everyone new to BC but I get the impression he doesn't get very far with the kind of vetting he has in mind.

Something about "sit here and I'll tell you when the swelling goes down" is not a great ice breaker but his interests may lay more in ice holes!