President Trump


Well-Known Member
Not to go OT but the recent pics of Buzz Aldrin with President Trump are hilarious. I have no idea what Trump said nor do I care at this point, but the pics and memes coming from this are gut busters.



Well-Known Member
Trump wanted a freeze on immigration to review the vetting process. That was months ago... why have we heard nothing of this review? What has he come up with? Surely after months he's come up with a bigly beautiful yugely great plan.
Oh come on, activist judges have delayed that process. And it wasn't a freeze on immigration, it was a travel ban on a limited amount of countries. Same countries Obama administration labeled as problematic.


Well-Known Member
So in order to review the current system, he has to ban it from happening altogether first?

Interesting.... I hear tax reform is up next.
I look forward to him banning taxes altogether before he reviews the current ones.
Nice. Travel ban was to be put in place while they looked at what could be done to insure passenger safety on planes as well as how they could identify potential threats to the country. Of course being all wise and all knowing you've got it figured out without any effort. You should offer your services to the U.N.. I'm sure they're looking for a saviour. All the world's issues neatly worked out in a few hours.


Inordinately Right
Nice. Travel ban was to be put in place while they looked at what could be done to insure passenger safety on planes as well as how they could identify potential threats to the country. Of course being all wise and all knowing you've got it figured out without any effort. You should offer your services to the U.N.. I'm sure they're looking for a saviour. All the world's issues neatly worked out in a few hours.
You're really not thinking this through.
What was stopping his administration from looking "at what could be done to insure passenger safety on planes as well as how they could identify potential threats to the country."

Travel ban or not, he could have been doing his review all along. I understand the opinion on why he wanted the travel ban that's all fine and well. But please explain to me why he couldn't do his review without it.


Well-Known Member
You're really not thinking this through.
What was stopping his administration from looking "at what could be done to insure passenger safety on planes as well as how they could identify potential threats to the country."

Travel ban or not, he could have been doing his review all along. I understand the opinion on why he wanted the travel ban that's all fine and well. But please explain to me why he couldn't do his review without it.
How do you know they weren't doing the review? But they couldn't enact anything because of repeated injunctions.


Inordinately Right
Trump wanted a freeze on immigration to review the vetting process. That was months ago... why have we heard nothing of this review? What has he come up with? Surely after months he's come up with a bigly beautiful yugely great plan.
How do you know they weren't doing the review? But they couldn't enact anything because of repeated injunctions.
Welcome to the conversation.


Staff member
You're really not thinking this through.
What was stopping his administration from looking "at what could be done to insure passenger safety on planes as well as how they could identify potential threats to the country."

Travel ban or not, he could have been doing his review all along. I understand the opinion on why he wanted the travel ban that's all fine and well. But please explain to me why he couldn't do his review without it.
I believe the Supreme Court inferred as much as well.


Staff member
If Trump serves all four years, do you think maybe he wouldn't run again but possibly pick his successor and campaign for him or her? I could see it.