President Trump


All Trash No Trailer
@vantexan, notice the lack of response.View attachment 489676


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I know I’m much better off than I was 4 years ago, 🤣.They point to made up numbers and claim the idiot Biden has everything running great. Pull your head out of your ass, see a therapist and maybe you’ll make a full recovery.


All Trash No Trailer
Yeah, they're all ignoring inflation, crime, etc, to vote for a cognitive mess. Good luck!
I do enjoy reminding you of the failure of the so called “ red wave” for the mid term elections that you and many on the right predicted was attributed to the younger voting block.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
There is no hope for some on the left. They’ve deluded themselves into believing that it’s all about Trump. They hate America. Sad and Pathetic people. I’m not wasting another minute on them. They think they’re gonna be saved. 😂 Fools.


All Trash No Trailer
Show me a clip of Trump saying to inject bleach and I will vote for Biden. If you can’t show me a clip then you should admit that you are a sheep and a parrot that repeats things that are not true. I’ll wait…
I guess you will be voting for Biden. And bleach and disinfectant are synonymous


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I guess you will be voting for Biden. And bleach and disinfectant are synonymous

Still waiting to hear the word “Bleach”! All you parrots said Trump said ”Bleach”. Show me once when he said Bleach. I‘ll wait….. I guess you will be admitting you are a parrot that says words the MSM tells you to use that was never uttered.


Well-Known Member
I do enjoy reminding you of the failure of the so called “ red wave” for the mid term elections that you and many on the right predicted was attributed to the younger voting block.
And things have gotten worse since then. High gas prices, high grocery prices, limited opportunities, U.S. citizens being murdered by people who shouldn't be here. At some point only the most in denial will say everything is ok.