President Trump


swollen member


Well-Known Member
Wow, everyone is 'lawyering up'.

Even the lawyers are getting lawyers.

If anyone's interested, I take my popcorn with butter and a little salt, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Wow, everyone is 'lawyering up'.

Even the lawyers are getting lawyers.

If anyone's interested, I take my popcorn with butter and a little salt, thanks.

Would that be grass fed or just regular butter. And would that be regular salt or sea or Himalayan?

I prefer Kerrygold and Sea salt myself.


Well-Known Member
Would that be grass fed or just regular butter. And would that be regular salt or sea or Himalayan?

I prefer Kerrygold and Sea salt myself.

Kerrygold is tight, no doubt.

Try 'Prairie Breeze', a ridiculously nice cheddar from Iowa...Milton Creamery.

On a side note, what's best is a mix of Himalayan Pink Salt mixed with Dunkirk 'Cliffs of Dover' reclaimed red salt.

Tastes great, I promise.


Well-Known Member
"DEMOCRACY NOW!: The White House is in crisis mode following revelations that Donald Trump’s own son embraced an apparent effort by the Russian government to peddle information incriminating Hillary Clinton in an attempt to help Trump win the presidency. In a new interview with Reuters, President Trump defended his son and said that he himself did not know about the meeting. We speak with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald, co-founder of The Intercept, who notes that Democrats have had similar entanglements with foreign governments.

"I don’t think that this revelation, interesting though it may be, is as significant or a smoking gun when it comes to the impeachment or the prosecution case," Greenwald said about the Donald Trump Jr. emails.

He explained: "To me, it seems as though the people who are moving the goalposts are the Democrats. The claim all along, the reason why there’s talk of impeachment, the reason why there is a special prosecutor, the reason why people want to see Trump and his associates criminally prosecuted, is because of the claim that they committed crimes by colluding with the Russians with regard to the hacking. That’s what Harry Reid has always said. That’s what John Podesta has always said. That has always been the Democratic claim."

"This newest evidence doesn’t in any way suggest that," he concluded."

Greenwald: Donald Trump Jr.'s Emails Are Not A "Smoking Gun" Of Anything; Democrats Keep "Moving Goal Posts" For Allegations

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
"DEMOCRACY NOW!: The White House is in crisis mode following revelations that Donald Trump’s own son embraced an apparent effort by the Russian government to peddle information incriminating Hillary Clinton in an attempt to help Trump win the presidency. In a new interview with Reuters, President Trump defended his son and said that he himself did not know about the meeting. We speak with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald, co-founder of The Intercept, who notes that Democrats have had similar entanglements with foreign governments.

"I don’t think that this revelation, interesting though it may be, is as significant or a smoking gun when it comes to the impeachment or the prosecution case," Greenwald said about the Donald Trump Jr. emails.

He explained: "To me, it seems as though the people who are moving the goalposts are the Democrats. The claim all along, the reason why there’s talk of impeachment, the reason why there is a special prosecutor, the reason why people want to see Trump and his associates criminally prosecuted, is because of the claim that they committed crimes by colluding with the Russians with regard to the hacking. That’s what Harry Reid has always said. That’s what John Podesta has always said. That has always been the Democratic claim."

"This newest evidence doesn’t in any way suggest that," he concluded."

Greenwald: Donald Trump Jr.'s Emails Are Not A "Smoking Gun" Of Anything; Democrats Keep "Moving Goal Posts" For Allegations
These guys in the Trump administration sure lie a lot for innocent people.