President Trump

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Mueller has exceeded his mandate .

Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions

What's he going to find ?
A Trump Staff member at one of his hotels had removed the tags from the pillows ?

Time for Trump to contact the DOJ and fire Mueller .
The very last thing Drumpf is doing, is behaving like an innocent man. An innocent man would be out ahead of this, cooperating, and doing what ever it takes to clear his name. Other politicians and the right wing media wouldn't be making excuses for Drumpf, if they gave a damn about their country.Drumpf is the bernie madoff that didn't get caught...yet.


Well-Known Member
The very last thing Drumpf is doing, is behaving like an innocent man. An innocent man would be out ahead of this, cooperating, and doing what ever it takes to clear his name. Other politicians and the right wing media wouldn't be making excuses for Drumpf, if they gave a damn about their country.Drumpf is the bernie madoff that didn't get caught...yet.
So Trump is running a pyramid scheme, bilking thousands of people out of billions of dollars? Really? That's the kind of hyperbole that's kept this non-story alive for months.


Well-Known Member
You are saying that Trump, Jr., Manafort, Sessions, Kush, Pence and the rest have all been telling the truth?
About what exactly? This is a smear campaign by the Left. Tell me which of Trump's campaign issues do you support? The border wall? Reducing taxes? Repealing Obamacare? Withdrawing from international trade and climate treaties? Building the military? Eliminating or reducing entitlement spending? Trump isn't Bush, who the Left despised. Trump is actually someone who'll reverse decades of liberal policies given the chance. The Left is mortified, and will stop at nothing to destroy him. And will say just about anything to do it.


Staff member
About what exactly? This is a smear campaign by the Left. Tell me which of Trump's campaign issues do you support? The border wall? Reducing taxes? Repealing Obamacare? Withdrawing from international trade and climate treaties? Building the military? Eliminating or reducing entitlement spending? Trump isn't Bush, who the Left despised. Trump is actually someone who'll reverse decades of liberal policies given the chance. The Left is mortified, and will stop at nothing to destroy him. And will say just about anything to do it.
Can't chew gum and walk at the same time?

Republican president. Republican House. Republican Senate. No excuses.