President Trump


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is that I'm not the biggest Obama booster, but it seems to me that Obama complained about Bush when it was appropriate.

Trump hasn't realized that he's actually the President, six months in...

He is still litigating the election that he won...

Obama broke protocol. He blamed the previous president for his troubles. Just not done.


Well-Known Member
How so?

What exactly are you referring to, with the supreme court?

The overall job market and economy Trump was handed by Obama was already doing well. Consumers and businesses are confident, so far.....

Unless you're ready to sell, be prepared for a bumpy ride.

trump is removing the handcuffs off the economy and its starting to hum. when did you ever see Obama announce a fox con type signing. he never tried to do anything like that. Obama was choking the economy which is why the GDP never went about 3 percent one time.


Well-Known Member
he's better in six months then Obama was in 8 years. See that Economy heating up? GDP today getting ready to cross the 3 percent mark something that never happened under Obama in 8 long years. What's amazing is we're already winning in a lot of areas and its only been six months.

U.S. Economy Glides Back to Steady, Modest Growth Path


You brought up Obama's successful quarters. What did he do overall?
I was responding to newfie's post. Ttku
he's better in six months then Obama was in 8 years. See that Economy heating up? GDP today getting ready to cross the 3 percent mark something that never happened under Obama in 8 long years. What's amazing is we're already winning in a lot of areas and its only been six months.


And I asked a fair question. Some successful quarters doesn't make an overall healthy economy. Obama did little to help the middle class and with him there was always that "social justice" thing floating around.
Yes I agree one successful quarter does not make an overall healthy economy.
he's better in six months then Obama was in 8 years. See that Economy heating up? GDP today getting ready to cross the 3 percent mark something that never happened under Obama in 8 long years. What's amazing is we're already winning in a lot of areas and its only been six months.


Inordinately Right
trump is removing the handcuffs off the economy and its starting to hum. when did you ever see Obama announce a fox con type signing. he never tried to do anything like that. Obama was choking the economy which is why the GDP never went about 3 percent one time.
Holy crap man, leave some kool aid for the rest of the republican sheep.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Trump is tweeting this morning that Senate should get rid of the filibuster, which had nothing to do with the health bill failure.

He's clueless.
there is no constitutional standard for the filibuster. the tweets are for the oother stuff that needs passed. Kates law being one of them


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
If Drumpf isn't guilty of collusion or other malfeasance, including money laundering, tax evasion, and sellout to Putin, what does he have to fear? Drumpf is literally manic on this. Why the unbridled, unhinged comments to put the investigation down?


Staff member
there is no constitutional standard for the filibuster. the tweets are for the oother stuff that needs passed. Kates law being one of them
"No constitutional standard for the filibuster"?


Can you find constitutional standard for the Leader McConnell's actions the past six months?