President Trump


Well-Known Member
trump is removing the handcuffs off the economy and its starting to hum. when did you ever see Obama announce a fox con type signing. he never tried to do anything like that. Obama was choking the economy which is why the GDP never went about 3 percent one time.
im sure the financial crisis had nothing to do with the GDP LOL.

obama doesnt care about the economy for average joes anymore than trump does.


Well-Known Member
If Drumpf isn't guilty of collusion or other malfeasance, including money laundering, tax evasion, and sellout to Putin, what does he have to fear? Drumpf is literally manic on this. Why the unbridled, unhinged comments to put the investigation down?

gee the media is derailing his presidency with this fairy tale , I cant imagine why he would be upset
