President Trump


Well-Known Member
3/4th of the year. Plenty of time to issue executive orders to get this under control. Same old republican administration that spends more than they take in. A continuation of the Bush years.

dang you're desperate for something negative to spin. Its going to be a long 8 years for you



Well-Known Member
Considering the history of attacks on the Clintons, I wouldn't much hope in something sticking this time if I were you. They've been under investigation for decades, I don't see why this one will be different.

yep there are people that will die accidental deaths in the coming months.


Staff member
He is making a big deal about quitting when he was going to lose anyway. And he has always been a RINO NeverTrumper.
96% rating with the ACA. Small government conservative who was instrumental in getting rid of earmarks.

So he's a conservative but a RINO.

Now I have to ask you, what is a republican?