President Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Nope. By definitions RINOs are not conservatives.
Flake is a Mormon, so he's clearly a social conservative. He's also a pretty clear fiscal conservative by his statements and voting record.

His whole point in not running for reelection was that he couldn't win running on those basic traditional conservative values. He'd have to run as a Trump republican, embracing white nationalism, trade protectionism and general bafoonery that is the current Republican Party. So I guess you agree with him, principled traditional conservatives are RINOs now.


nowhere special
Flake is a Mormon, so he's clearly a social conservative. He's also a pretty clear fiscal conservative by his statements and voting record.

His whole point in not running for reelection was that he couldn't win running on those basic traditional conservative values. He'd have to run as a Trump republican, embracing white nationalism, trade protectionism and general bafoonery that is the current Republican Party. So I guess you agree with him, principled traditional conservatives are RINOs now.

You obviously have no clue what traditional conservative values are.


golden ticket member
Mormon???? he drinks???? (in the garage when no one is looking)

Q: How many Mormon missionaries does it take to eat a possum?
A: Three. One to eat it and two to watch out for cars.

Q: What are The LDS 6 P's for perfection?
A: Prophets...presidency...patriarchs...priesthoods...payees...prozac.

Q: What do you call a good looking woman in Salt Lake City?
A: A Tourist!


Well-Known Member
He is making a big deal about quitting when he was going to lose anyway. And he has always been a RINO NeverTrumper.

its was a beautiful drama queen moment. A senator who has sold his soul to the devil a long time ago grandstanding

Oh where is the humanity in these troubled times.
