President Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Answered it fine, vast majority of Republicans think Reagan is the gold standard. Which means YOU don't have a clue about what it means to be a Republican, just like to throw around jackass remarks.
I doesn't sound like you have a clue what it means to be a republican. I certainly don't, I can't pin down what you allegedly believe in besides liberal hatred. You say Reagan is the standard, but Reagan's policies would never fly with Republicans today. Flakes critique was just that, a pro immigration, pro free trade, pro free market conservative can't get elected by the new Trump Republican Party. So what makes a republican now? You can't answer that question.


Well-Known Member
I doesn't sound like you have a clue what it means to be a republican. I certainly don't, I can't pin down what you allegedly believe in besides liberal hatred. You say Reagan is the standard, but Reagan's policies would never fly with Republicans today. Flakes critique was just that, a pro immigration, pro free trade, pro free market conservative can't get elected by the new Trump Republican Party. So what makes a republican now? You can't answer that question.
Because you know as well as I do it's a big tent party. There's diversity of thought. Not the goose stepping, Antifa crazed, in your face do as we say or else politics of the Left. Y'all want cookie cutter allegiance to your party.


Well-Known Member
Which republicans do you think live up to that standard?
Most of them. Reagan had a rule: never speak badly of fellow Republicans. Some are clearly breaking that rule now. And no, as a person I don't think Trump measures up to Reagan. Not by a long shot. As George Bush Sr. said of Clinton, character matters.


Staff member
Because you know as well as I do it's a big tent party. There's diversity of thought. Not the goose stepping, Antifa crazed, in your face do as we say or else politics of the Left. Y'all want cookie cutter allegiance to your party.
Van. It's those calling Jeff Flake a RINO and disparaging senators like McCain and Corker who are the "...goose stepping, Tea Party crazed, in your face do as we say or else politics of the (alt?) Right." Y'all want cookie cutter allegiance to your president.


Staff member
Most of them. Reagan had a rule: never speak badly of fellow Republicans. Some are clearly breaking that rule now. And no, as a person I don't think Trump measures up to Reagan. Not by a long shot. As George Bush Sr. said of Clinton, character matters.
George Bush Sr. thinks very highly of Bill Clinton; not so much so the current president. Maybe it's time for more republicans to realize what Trump meant during the campaign when he insisted that it is the Republican Party, not the Conservative party.


Well-Known Member
As George Bush Sr. said of Clinton, character matters.

The same George Bush Sr. that just had to apologize for ass grabbing?

That guy?

“We all circled around him and Barbara for a photo, and I was right next to him,” Grolnick said. “He reached his right hand around to my behind, and as we smiled for the photo he asked the group, ‘Do you want to know who my favorite magician is?’ As I felt his hand dig into my flesh, he said, ‘David Cop-a-feel!’”

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Because you know as well as I do it's a big tent party. There's diversity of thought. Not the goose stepping, Antifa crazed, in your face do as we say or else politics of the Left. Y'all want cookie cutter allegiance to your party.
How many different ways can you fail to answer the question? What the heck is a Republican today? Your post sums it up to the best of my understanding. Republicans hate liberals. Full stop. They have no ideology, no thought on practical governance, no core beliefs, just hate.


Well-Known Member
Van. It's those calling Jeff Flake a RINO and disparaging senators like McCain and Corker who are the "...goose stepping, Tea Party crazed, in your face do as we say or else politics of the (alt?) Right." Y'all want cookie cutter allegiance to your president.
No, we don't. And he's getting plenty of pushback.


Well-Known Member
How many different ways can you fail to answer the question? What the heck is a Republican today? Your post sums it up to the best of my understanding. Republicans hate liberals. Full stop. They have no ideology, no thought on practical governance, no core beliefs, just hate.
And we all know that's what you were getting at all along so why answer you? Between you and me the Dems are the haters. Always telling us how they care so much and anyone who disagrees with their viewpoint is a hater. Yet their governance lead to the dissolution of the black family. They haven't fixed poverty, haven't fixed education, haven't fixed a lot of things in spite of a the rhetoric. Republicans are saying let's build the economy and provide jobs. A hand up instead of a hand out. Dems want dependency. Don't say not so because the last 8 years did very little for the working man who became a wage slave if he has a job. BS artists are all you are. Actually do something that doesn't involve redistribution of wealth and actually helps people and then crow all you want. Until then it's just talk.


Well-Known Member
The same George Bush Sr. that just had to apologize for ass grabbing?

That guy?

“We all circled around him and Barbara for a photo, and I was right next to him,” Grolnick said. “He reached his right hand around to my behind, and as we smiled for the photo he asked the group, ‘Do you want to know who my favorite magician is?’ As I felt his hand dig into my flesh, he said, ‘David Cop-a-feel!’”
So? An old man acting out. Woo-hoo!


Well-Known Member
George Bush Sr. thinks very highly of Bill Clinton; not so much so the current president. Maybe it's time for more republicans to realize what Trump meant during the campaign when he insisted that it is the Republican Party, not the Conservative party.
You defending Trump now? I was applying what G.B. said about Clinton to Trump.


Well-Known Member
Van. It's those calling Jeff Flake a RINO and disparaging senators like McCain and Corker who are the "...goose stepping, Tea Party crazed, in your face do as we say or else politics of the (alt?) Right." Y'all want cookie cutter allegiance to your president.
You haven't got a clue buddy.


Well-Known Member
George Bush Sr. thinks very highly of Bill Clinton; not so much so the current president. Maybe it's time for more republicans to realize what Trump meant during the campaign when he insisted that it is the Republican Party, not the Conservative party.
Bush Sr. was and still is a huge part of the problem.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Republicans are saying let's build the economy and provide jobs. A hand up instead of a hand out.
This is the only thing you said that wasn't an attack against democrats. It's also a nonsensical campaign slogan and speaks little about any type of position on policy. You continue to prove my point.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
The same George Bush Sr. that just had to apologize for ass grabbing?

That guy?

“We all circled around him and Barbara for a photo, and I was right next to him,” Grolnick said. “He reached his right hand around to my behind, and as we smiled for the photo he asked the group, ‘Do you want to know who my favorite magician is?’ As I felt his hand dig into my flesh, he said, ‘David Cop-a-feel!’”
89 year old in wheelchair with dementia assaulting you, please. How threatening is that?