President Trump


Well-Known Member
It's going to come out. You do realize that the grand jury and Mueller's team have access to that already don't you?
And If there was criminality the IRS would have already nailed him. You are still hanging on to a hoax and are to full of Trump hate to see it.


Well-Known Member
#FactsFirst? CNN’s Don Lemon Reads Letter To Trump Then Weeps On Air

I remember when men were men, shameful pantywaist.


Well-Known Member
They would pass a law keeping the president from releasing his tax returns that exonerate him?

Where do you come up with these delusions?
Is there a law that says a president has to release his tax returns? This is a leading question, be careful.


Well-Known Member
Is there a law that says a president has to release his tax returns? This is a leading question, be careful.

Law? No. Custom? Yes.

I never really got the purpose of the custom. The argument is that how the candidate handles their finances is a good measure of how they will govern but I have never seen a connection between the two.

We will never see his tax returns.


Well-Known Member
Law? No. Custom? Yes.

I never really got the purpose of the custom. The argument is that how the candidate handles their finances is a good measure of how they will govern but I have never seen a connection between the two.

We will never see his tax returns.
Upstate have a good day, 2 little girl grandbabies? If so lots of pretty little dresses in your future. Have a good one.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
See Ronald Reagan. See John Wayne.
HE supported the biggest amnesty bill in history for illegal immigrants, advocated gun control, used Keynesian stimulus to jump-start the economy, favored personal diplomacy even with the country’s sworn enemies and instituted tax increases in six of the eight years of his presidency.

That's from the op-ed I linked. So that's Reagan. Would he be welcome in today's Republican Party? I think not, y'all would be calling him a RINO.


Well-Known Member
HE supported the biggest amnesty bill in history for illegal immigrants, advocated gun control, used Keynesian stimulus to jump-start the economy, favored personal diplomacy even with the country’s sworn enemies and instituted tax increases in six of the eight years of his presidency.

That's from the op-ed I linked. So that's Reagan. Would he be welcome in today's Republican Party? I think not, y'all would be calling him a RINO.
He also revved up the economy, put pride back into institutions like the military, stood up to the Soviet Union and won. The reasons you cite might be why there was a substantial voting block called Reagan Democrats. What you don't seem to get is that starting with Clinton Democrats became more and more Leftists. Pushing for more and more social engineering that became alarming to conservatives. Thus polarizing the country into what we're seeing today. Reagan's era was a time when he could work across the aisle with Tip O'Neill. Reagan may not be what you would characterize as a typical Republican today, but he was great. And O'Neill wasn't what you'd consider today's typical Democrat. They still had Blue Dog Democrats then.


Well-Known Member
They would pass a law keeping the president from releasing his tax returns that exonerate him?

Where do you come up with these delusions?

now don't act stupid on me. they have nothing on trump despite all the investigations going on. there would be no reason to release any tax return information when the investigations exonerate him. hope that helps your understanding though I'm sure you got it the first time.


Well-Known Member
Law? No. Custom? Yes.

I never really got the purpose of the custom. The argument is that how the candidate handles their finances is a good measure of how they will govern but I have never seen a connection between the two.

We will never see his tax returns.

we saw one. which is actually all some presidents have released in the past.

ford released 0
Reagan one
Romney 2


Staff member
now don't act stupid on me. they have nothing on trump despite all the investigations going on. there would be no reason to release any tax return information when the investigations exonerate him. hope that helps your understanding though I'm sure you got it the first time.
Nothing on Trump? Steve Bannon disagrees and we'll see when the investigations finish.

I will never, ever cause you of acting stupid.