President Trump


Well-Known Member
Do you think Mueller just threw this together last week? The opposite seems more plausible, Fox News needed to muddy the water so they brought back the hits of Clinton attacks.
Interesting that it's a big deal to you going after what someone may have done 10 years ago, but suggest going after what Hillary did just a few years ago and you shoot it down as old news, no one cares.


Well-Known Member
Interesting that it's a big deal to you going after what someone may have done 10 years ago, but suggest going after what Hillary did just a few years ago and you shoot it down as old news, no one cares.
Spill the beans man! What did Hillary do? I must have missed it.


Well-Known Member
And the prognosticators on the Left have been saying for a year now that Trump colluded with the Russians but no evidence has turned up yet. Plenty of hilarity on the Left too!
You do realize the investigation is not over don't you? The biggest fish is usually the last to be caught.


Well-Known Member
No, I mean it. What did Hillary do that was illegal?
You don't think conducting gov't business on a private server kept in an unsecure location is illegal? Do you think while under a subpoena she deleted 33,000 emails and acid washed her server to make them unrecoverable is somehow legal? That's stuff that we unequivocally know she did. Just because Comey gave her cover doesn't mean it's ok. And we aren't even talking about what she probably did with pay for play. All those speeches, all those millions of Dollars. If you go after Trump on the thinnest of accusations, and refuse to recognize what she did, then nothing you say means much of anything. That applies to every one of you who's holding the rug up to sweep the dirt under.


nowhere special
Hillary used the Clinton Foundation for money laundering.

I wonder if Mueller will charge her too.

Unlikely. I bet he still gets a Christmas card from her every year.