President Trump


Well-Known Member
OK, why make it almost impossible to recover with Bleachbit? And the emails weren't her's to pick and choose to delete after the gov't subpoenaed them. And I didn't read it from Trump. And it's public record that she met with most of the major contributors to her foundation, as well as those who gave big speaking fees to Bill, while Secretary of State. Let's put her on trial too!


nowhere special
OK, why make it almost impossible to recover with Bleachbit? And the emails weren't her's to pick and choose to delete after the gov't subpoenaed them. And I didn't read it from Trump. And it's public record that she met with most of the major contributors to her foundation, as well as those who gave big speaking fees to Bill, while Secretary of State. Let's put her on trial too!

She didn't Bleachbit everything.

Sometimes she used a hammer.


Well-Known Member
OK, why make it almost impossible to recover with Bleachbit? And the emails weren't her's to pick and choose to delete after the gov't subpoenaed them. And I didn't read it from Trump. And it's public record that she met with most of the major contributors to her foundation, as well as those who gave big speaking fees to Bill, while Secretary of State. Let's put her on trial too!
If she could be charged with a crime, don't you think she would have been? You folks have been trying since 1992.


Staff member
bill clinton should be in jail for war crimes as well.

the american justice system is so political its not even funny. where are the wall st banker jail times?
Do you know of any American leaders who shouldn't be prosecuted for war crimes at some level?


Well-Known Member
Lol. That's what I thought.

Feed the unicorns on your way to the Pot-o-Gold-Bank at the End of the Rainbow please. And grab some magic beans from Jack on the way back please.
which countries are engaged with blowing up the world? america mostly, then UK, russia, israel, france, etc.

but its possible that some dont. its just a guess on my part.