President Trump


Well-Known Member
Nah that’s not the bottom line. The bottomline is that Trump is a bigot and racist and this is just the latest example.
The fact that Trump supporters will rationalize his racist remarks changes nothing. It’s what people who support racist politicians have been doing for a long time.
Tie your response to the post I made. I'm learning the game here. If you don't tie to my post, I don't respond. I will reiterate, you are not intelligent, however.


Well-Known Member
I think you use the term racist because you have no logical argument to support your beliefs. Educate me with out using the term racist.

Motivated self deception cannot be overcome by eduction.

That’s what I have been showing you.

I use the supporters of blatantly racist politicians like David Duke and George Wallace who also insisted that those politicians also weren’t racist and also demanded that it be proven to them how those politicians are racist. That level of self deception can’t be overcome with education.

This is what Trump supporters are doing right now about their racist politician.

And your response is oh you use the word racist too much. Lol


Well-Known Member
You're a one trick pony, maybe 2 or three tricks. You lack intelligence and have to hide behind trigger words. Give me three racist acts Donald Trump has committed. No, I'll make it easier, give me 1.

Nah, I’m making a cogent argument. Again this game of supporters of racist politicians demanding “proof” is an old one.

Again if you’ll think about it for a few minutes, people voted for David Duke to be governor of Louisiana and those voters insisted that David Duke a member of the kkk wasn’t racist and demanded proof be shown to them that he was racist.
Education, facts will not convince people with this level of motivated self deception.

This is the game Trump supporters are playing.

Trump’s racism is manifest. It is obvious. He has said numerous racist things. Those who don’t believe so are like supporters of George Wallace insisting he isn’t racist or David Duke insisting he isn’t racist while demanding that it be proven to them.


Well-Known Member
Tie your response to the post I made. I'm learning the game here. If you don't tie to my post, I don't respond. I will reiterate, you are not intelligent, however.

Tie to your post?

You really aren’t getting my point. I thought it obvious.

It is a waste of time “proving” that Trump is racist to Trump supporters. Trump’s racism is obvious and right there for all to see. It is not hidden.
Those who don’t see it, are either racist themselves or don’t want to see it.
The same way it was a waste of time “proving” to David Duke or George Wallace supporters that those two are/were racist.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Human beings are rationalization machines.

Here’s how that works, in 1991 when David Duke a member of the KKK ran for governor of Louisiana, his numerous voters were saying, at that time cause they interviewed lots of them for tv, that David Duke isn’t racist that it’s all the media and they would give a challenge prove that he was racist.

People rationalized that David Duke a criminal and a member of the kkk wasnt racist and voted for him.

There is no question that people right now are rationalizing that Trump isn’t racist as well. No amount of education can overcome motivated self deception.
As long as you use a universal definition of racism and apply it universally, then I would agree with your rational. Although your generalizations are inconsistent.


Well-Known Member
As long as you use a universal definition of racism and apply it universally, then I would agree with your rational. Although your generalizations are inconsistent.

I don’t even know what you mean by universal definition of racism.

I am making generalizations, but I think those generalizations comparing the rationalizations of human beings who support racist politicians are consistent generalizations.

To me it is just as absurd when Trump supporters demand that it be proven that Trump is racist as it was when David Duke or George Wallace supporters demanded that those politicians be proven as racist.


golden ticket member
Yeah, it's like when you're golfing with your friend and he hits one into the woods and you say, "Nice shot, Tiger"!

Not racist!!!!


Staff member
Typical liberal responses, don't be mad at the lady who LIED to get special treatment be mad at the guy who pokes fun at the liar.
Let's all get mad at people who called Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom" at the next high profile state funeral. That seems about right.


Staff member
Let's all get mad at people who called Clarence Thomas an "Uncle Tom" at the next high profile state funeral. That seems about right.
Those jokes are knee slippers with the Alt Right.

Maybe some good ol' Jewish jokes next time he's in a public forum with Gary Cohn or the banking sector in general.